Yau will henr an internie w with a woman who has written a hook about face- reading, the skill of judging t/ person 's character front ihe shape of their face. bor questions I-I O contplete the senicnces Yau will hear the recording lwice. (20 marks)
The skill offacc reading is bclicvcd to havc eonie from (!)__ ______onginally.
The titlc of Lillian's book is (2)_ _.
Lillian cxplains that the face contains approximately (3)___ _ muscles.
Lillian says that wlien people look in a (4) ___ . they usually manage to look
their best.
Lillian says that people Often feel (5) _ ___ when they sec themsehes on video.
Experts Say that the left sidc of the lace is regarded as moro (6)____ by most
Lillian says that successful (7)__________ are often people with wide cheekbones.
Lillian says that the shape of a persorfs (8)_ _and_
may show how determined they are.
Lillian advises women against using too much (9) at interviews.
Lillian suggests (10) __ and _ when
Jistening to people at intervie\vs.
A Read the texl from an introductory psychology lextbook. Match the subtitles to the correct paragraphs. (18 marks)
1. Are men and women different?_
2. Central issues_
3. A finał thought_
4. The conscious or unconscious?_
5. Are individuals uniąue?____
6. Is it the person, or is it the situation?_