DSC24 (11)

DSC24 (11)

You will recei've email($) to your update request that will contain an attachment with update data that you can import into Admiralty Digital Pubłications. The update data can be applied to ADR as described in the section 'Importing an Update File from an email or downloaded from the UKHO Website' shown betów. If you have reguested a lot of data you may receive it in mora than one email, each v/ith an attachment. You should import alf the attachments. The order of importing is not important.

Connect to the UKHO Website to ManuaNy Download Files

Selecting this option allows you to download the latest update from the UKHO website enabling you to update ADP. To download the correct update files for your PC, you must know the week number that your Area(s) was last updated.

Sefect the week number that you wish to update from but please notę that if you are updating morę than one Area you can only select from one update week number. For example if Area 1 is updaled to week number 32 and Area 2 is updated to week number 35 you wili need to periorm 2 separate downloads,

Select the Area(s) you wish to update then click the ‘Submit Update Request' button. Your selection will taka a lew moments to proceas. When it is complete, the updates will appear in a new window, ready for you to download. The download file can then be applied to ADP as described in section 'Importing an Update File downloaded from the UKHO Website or received in an email from anothar Computer' shown below.

Onco you have received your data you can appty the updates already recełved

Choosing the ‘Apply Update’ Data Source

The data contatnad in the Areas can be updated from several data sources:

*    Update trom the ADP weakty Update CO

•    Import an update Ma trom an email or downloaded from the UKHO website

Update from a CD

When you receive your updates on CO, stmply place the GD In the CD drlye of your Computer atter sełecting the Appiy updates you've ultoady downloaded or rocołvod’ and then 'Update from CD’. The Data Updating Wizard will asK you to select the drive that the CD is located In, Elther typa the drive name (for exampfe ’D:V) directty into the toxt box or dlck on thebutton to the right of tho toxt box and select the CD drive from tho dialogue.

K the CD is a valKl ADP Update CD then Information on tho Aroos that aro contained on tho CD and tho Week Number will bo dispinyod. otheiwtse a maaaaga indlcating that ihe path specifiod is elther an *lnvaiid folder’ or that tho CD doos not contain ADP update data Is displayed

When you havo sełected the loclton from whtch to import tho data slmply cllck the 'Naxt' button. Tho Data Updatmg Wizard will say that it Is roady to perlorm the update. Cllck 'Naxt' agam and Ihe update will oommanoa. Tho Data Updating Wizard will display a scroen ollowing you to monitor update progroaa.

Importing an Update File from an email or downloaded from the UKHO Website



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