1*1. ANIU rilK n H||( HKAOI IN OHTROt»;KA
h. land devdopmcni plan. nndpUm. totwN V
A fummars
.r Thi* pupcf pmcni* a land liorlopmcm p4,wi •>( ihr ; t«ili >n ihc lown o<
flWrołęta The mąfar oł>jociive of ihc impet i« u. m-air ■ tenty Mniy «t» whtW m th* hm orne taking ima coMwtomtoa the tfwcifW cheaie of th*» innm. Thns k to «my. *» tamA i* MfuMed aa anc of ihc floodpiauM of the Nam Rtve* tJuńng te pańnd af dMw wtulę the rivtr b in ąpic. thr teram m ^mbm Ii eiiher pHMly «r cocnptctety hoodcd Tht* matę of aflfatn e%en* a eonaddcrnblc influence cm the methed of anantpng Aa baach aren; namcly. the chotce of mnubk butkfcng mairn»‘i archMacMai ckmentó Md te type of icyetttion that will aurvivc in ihc autrMfui tmdmwa of «accsm« Md mmn during the riter floodt
Thi% paper emphaaitea the aumeroua menu of the mnnl uiiewmetl of Ac Sweai Valley and pinpouits the need to make ihc mm of ihwc menu for iwiuueal purpwcs Monmrar. it i* mreaaed that the pubhc spocc upon ihc nvcr, hc»n< a part of the cny. Aocdd ai the mmc tarte be in perfect hormony with the natund ens mmmmi of the Nar* R»vct