Finał Exam WWSI Jan 2015 (with answers)

Scoring: 2pts for each ąuestion with 3 or morę candidate answers; lpt for each ąuestion with 2 possibilities

Grading: 86% for A; 76% for B; 66% for C; 65% or less for D

1. In information retrieval, what does precision mean?

a.    The fraction of retrieved instances that are relevant.

b.    The fraction of relevant instances that are retrieved.

c.    Both a and b

d.    Nonę

2. F-measure equals

a. Fi = 2 *

precision+recall precision .recall

b. Fi = 'A

# precision. recall precision+recall

C. Fi = 2

* precision. recall precision+recall

, _    ,, * precision+recall

d. Fi = 'A * -

precision .recall

3. You identified 5 females in a scene where there are 9 females and 10 males. But only 3 are correct and the remaining 2 are males. What is the precision and recall?

a.    Precision is 5/9, recall is 5/10

b.    Precision is 5/10, recall is 5/9

c.    Precision is 3/5, recall is 3/9

d.    Precision is 3/9, recall1 is 3/5


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