Outlines for Finał Exam
The following is an outlinc of the materiał that will be covcrcd on the finał exam for World History. A majority of the information ean be rcvicwcd using your notes, past test and ąuizzes, as wcll as your tcxtbook. Takc the timc to revicw all topics sińce they carry cqual importance.
The finał cxam includes an essay as wcll as a section of multiple choicc/matching qucstions. The total finał cxam will be worth 15 pcrcent of your semester gradc.
Chapter 14 (Section 1 & 2) Revolution and Nationalism
• Explain the causes of Russia’s civil war and its outeome.
• What arc the kcy traits of totalitarianism?
• How did Stalin’s Fivc-Ycar plan differ from Lenin’s New Economic Policy?
• What individual freedoms arc denied in a totalitarian State?
Chapter 15 Years ofCrisis
• What advanccs wcrc madę in transportation and communication in the 1920s and 1930s?
• List threc rcasons the Weimar Rcpublic was considcred weak.
• How did the Dawes Plan affeet the German cconomy?
• What causcd the stock market erash of 1929?
• List threc political and economic rcasons the Italians tumed to Mussolini.
• List threc of Hitler’s beliefs and goals presented in Mein Katnpf.
• Why was Gcrmany’s reoccupation of the Rhincland a significant tuming point toward war?
Chapter 16 World War II
• What cvcnt finally unlcashed World War II?
• How did Germany gain an advantagc during the initial phases of WW II?
• What was Yamamoto’s objcctivc at Pearl Harbor?
• Name two tactics that Hitler uscd to rid Germany of Jcws beforc crcating his “Finał Solution”?
• What tactics did Hitler use during his “Finał Solution”?
• Why wcrc items rationcd during the war?
• What was Operation Ovcrlord?
• Rcvicw significant battlcs (tuming points) in both Europę and the Pacific.
Chapter 17Restructuring the Postwar World
• Why did somc Amcricans opposc the Truman Doetrinc?
• Which sides did the Superpowcrs support in the Chincsc internal strugglc for control of the country?
• What major difficultics did the U.S. Anny face in fighting the war in Victnam?
• Why did dcveloping nations often align thcmselvcs with one or the other superpowcrs?
• In what ways did Sovict actions hamper Eastcm Europc’s economic rccovcry after World War II?
• What was the significancc of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
• How was the Cold War fought?
• Describc the significancc of the Korean War.
• How did the Berlin Wall symbolizc the Cold War strugglcs?