,,, Rt. łumis High School Band play» a luno dunnq the very coW d«y "hen iflobards jil.jyi I Wocdfitock ai homo
u-jga dah. iiu'i<m liult. Boom-Boom' Drumnung up trouble dunng marthing band practieo aro Brvan Maki and Milce Ruao. pounding out cadenoes.
I? taglino loadi the way m ono ol the marching band a halłtime shows undor tłu* lights.
S en lor Ziggy Sawa prąci ices the bantone sax to pet m tune lor Fntiay « gamo
Flagline. Front Row: illy ii u
v|, i Ra hel KJlmak; Back Row: Mn. Moli* Gaił Anderson. Mu holle Smith. Ellon Fergus, Donna Kraka and Tina Molo.