'At a time when many high schools are struggling to find ways to personalize the learning en-vironment in order to meet a variety of learning needs for their students, PIE provides a model of a high school program that is accomplishing these goals."
— IER Evaluation Team
In January, 1989, Community High School District 218 decided to conduct a tormal evaluation of the PIE program. In April of 1989 the district selected the Institute for Educational Research (IER), a neutral, not-for-profit organization from Glen Ellyn to conduct the evaluation. The four-person IER team in-terviewed 14 administrators in District 218 to get their opinions about PIE. Ali PIE students, teachers, and parents were given survey forms to fili out to determme what each individual liked or disliked about PIE. A number of PIE graduates also were surveyed. In addi-tion, the IER team personally held discussions with randomly selected students and teachers.
The results of the formal evaluation were presented at the board meeting on October lOth. Prior to the presentation, however, PIE staff members optimistical* ly predicted the results. Mr. Robert Grimmenga, a history teacher at PIE, noted that Ali schools get evaluated. I think if you have a good program you shouldn t worry about being evaluated. Mr. Allan Burnson, Assistant Director at PIE added, If a program is to remain strong, it has to look at itself objectively. We are looking forward to the evaluation results."
The evaluation concluded that the District should continue to support PIE. In particular, the study noted that the smali, family-like atmosphere, the em-phasis on responsibility, the high expectations, the solid academic program, and strong paren-tal support were some of the positive features at PIE. The evaluation also concluded that the District should re-examine the way in which PIE is classified; is it a program or a separate District 218 high school?
- Kon Wysocki
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smatch U away. They both enjoy the uso of the pop machinę.
Opening 2-5 |
Portraits 6-19 |
Activities 20-29 |