289201 41022814 m750x740 u045ee

289201 41022814 m750x740 u045ee

Shopc Ncck: Work 10 (I I, I UJ. 16. 15) sts, BO ncxt 51 (32.

31. 32. 31,40)sts, work tocnd—10(11, 11, 13, 16, I5)stsin cach slioulder.

Attach a second bali of yarn and work botb shoulders simultaneously umil armholcs mcasurc 7 (7 /% 7    8,8 '/•, 9)".

BO shoulders.


Work as for Back until Front measures 13(13, 14 %, 16, 16 17)", ending witli a RS row.

Next WS row: PI8 (22,27,31. 36. 36), pm. p31 (32. 31.32, 31, 40), pm, pIS (22,27,31,36. 36).

Nexi RS row: Begin shaping armholcs as for Back.

Next WS row: Decrcasc 0(1,0, 1.0. 0) st(s) evenly across area bciwccn markers.

Nexi RS row: Begin stitcli pattern A between markers.

Work even until armholcs mcasurc 2 (2,2, 3, 3, 3)" from beginning, ending willi a WS row.

Ncxt RS row: Work across to marker, BO sts between markers. attach a second bali of yarn, and work to end of row.

Work even on both shoulders sinuiltaneously until armholcs measure same as for Back.

BO 10 (11, 11.13. 16, 15) stsat cach slioulder.

SLEEVES (make 2)

Using larger necdlcs, CO 49 (49,58.58. 67. 67) sts loosely.

Work in stitcli pattern A for 1 (1, I %, 2,2, 3)".

Cliangc to stitcli pattern B and work 2 rows.

Continuing in stitcli pattern B, BO 4 (5, 7,8,9, 10) sts at beginning of next 2 rows and 3 (4, 6,7, S, 8) sts at beginning of following 2 rows.

Decrcasc 1 st at cach end of nccdlc evcry 4 rows 5 (7.7,9.

9, 10) limes, and 1 stat cach ciul of nccdlc cvcry othcr row 8 (5. 6,2, 3,2) limes.

BO rcmaining 9 (7, 6, 6,9,7) sts.


Steam-block all pieces wdl co opon up lace pattern. especially at garmeni edges.

Sew sides, shoulders, and underarms. Set in slceve$.

Using crochci hook and beginning at center back ncck, work 1 round of single crochct around ncck edge, working loosely across from lace. Fasten off.



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