317995D209258582146184506070 n

317995D209258582146184506070 n

27. Whtch on* of thc following would be thc ircaimcni of choice for IISV infcction? /S%Acyck»vir o Kilłed viru» vauinc C llerpc* iminune globulin

d.    Azythromycm

e.    Kccombtnani vir«J vjtcc mc

2H. Burkitt'* lymphoma chora*, len/cd bv clcvatcd "carly antigen” tesli wilh a restricted pultem of fluorcsccnce. This discasc is causcd by M. C'ytomcgalovirus

b.    B. hurgdorferi ^cJFpstcin-Barr virus

<T I.ymphogranuloma vcncrcum

c.    Merpes »mplex virus

29.    Kcvcr of unlcnown origin in a farmer who raises goats would most likely be caused by which of Ihc following organisms?

'I (^Brucclla melitensis

b.    Clostridiuni novyi

c.    T. pallidum

d.    Histoplasma capsulatum

c. Mycobaclcrium tuhereulosis

30.    A box of ham sandwiches with mayonnaisc prepared by a person with a boil on his ncck was Jeft oul of the refrigerator for thc on-call intems. Three doctors bccamc violcnlly ill approximatcly 2 h after cating thc sandwiches. ITic most likely cause is

@)S. aureus cntcrotoxin

b.    Coagulase from S. aureus in thc ham

c.    S. aureus leukocidin

d.    C. perfringens toxin

e.    Penicillinasc given to inactivate pcnicillin in thc pork

31. Rheumatic fever (RF) is a discasc scen in childrcn and young adults. Which one of thc following statements best typifics thc discasc?

^j)lt is characterized by inflammatory lesions that may involve thc heart. joints. subcutaneous tissues. and thc central nervous system

&^£)The pathogenesis is related to thc similarity between a staphylococcal antigen and a human cardiac antigen

c. Prophylaxis with bcnzathinc pcnicillin is of liltle value

4* It isa complication of group A strcptococcal skin discasc but usually not of pharyngilis e. It is very common in devt*loping countrics but extremely rare and decreasing in incidence in the United States


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