Si : 5: tch (sl st)
Btpitaituk into *he work (into the 2nd tlwur-t^e n:c*). /.rap the yarn over the afraat t"e ya"- mrough the work and onne hook in one movement — mrsfpsHe- completed; repeat this

Bmw? r Crochet (sc)
■ppWfrtre into the work (into the 2nd ^Kttomtie ncok) wrap the yarn over the *he yarn through the work yarn again and draw the oops on the hook c 1 sc
the hook), b wrap the yarn over the hook. draw through the work only and wrap the yarn again; c draw through all 3 loops on the hook.

Double Crochet (dc)
a Wrap the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the work (into the 4th chain from the hook); b wrap the yarn over the hook. draw through the work only and wrap the yarn again; c draw through the first 2 loops only and wrap the yarn again; d draw through the last 2 loops on the hook.
Treble (tr)
a Wrap the yarn over the hook twice and insert the hook into the work (into the 5th Chain from the hook); b wrap the yarn over the hook. draw through the work only and wrap the yarn agam; c draw through the first 2 loops only and wrap the yarn again; d draw through the next 2 loops only and wrap the yarn again; e draw through the last 2 loops on the hook.

yarn over the hook and insert the BlM* morę /.ork (into the 3rd Chain from

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27 (39) ^■= Picot III.35m.33SpeciBl Abbreviation Picot = 3di. si st Into sda of Lsst soworked- MaksSylvan Circies m li~es omitting sc at end of last rep. sl CC itsl SC. r -ound: Sl st into next ch. 1Motifs st to top of 3ch. 4th round: Sl st into next dc and ne>t(13013 rosebud ornaments 6 Rnd 5: SI st in next st, (sl st, ch 1, 10 sc) in first ch-8 sp, (skip neMotifsTraditional Sguare I Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 5ch (count as 1 dc and 2ch),c1 2520 252828 2529 Motif G (make 4) Ch 6 and join with sl st in fint ch. KnJ /: Ch 1, work 12 sc inMotifs Rosę Square Base ring: Using A. 12ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 1ch, 18sc into ring, sl st lim mmi nimi mmmm ......... i A, 6ch, join with sl st. *icr. *6sc into ring, sl st to first 5ch (cMotifs + v ^-v xVWy /P*3n Crystal Square Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 14ch, [5dc intMotifsSpiral Pentagram Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st. 1st round: [6ch, 1sc into ring] 5 times. (HiBase ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 1ch, Iscinto ring, (4ch, Idtrinto ring, 4c8 (155) ■*4 wf- = V- AH3crtoLVN7 cVxęffftyi-U •p‘ę:Sl + ‘St - Si + ©**»(! •Vc1 2520 252828 2529 Motif G (make 4) Ch 6 and join with sl st in fint ch. KnJ /: Ch 1, work 12 sc inchcck out the net work quick)y. The major speaker prohlcms usually resohe themsehes into questions*61 *61 B c. °-o2?S £ o i ru^ćo.Si-ó;i2a sl i s 1-°»?■; il J i III •8 5 ś 18 «I*®więcej podobnych podstron