27 (39)

27 (39)

^■= Picot



SpeciBl Abbreviation

Picot = 3di. si st Into sda of Lsst so


Maks Sstt. sl st nto Fest ch lo form a ring. f st round: 3cli (count as i dc). •//erk IGdc .nto rl.ng. s! st into 2rd ct 3ch al bog of round.

2nd round: 5ch (count as tdc. 2chl. pdc into r:ex! dc, 2cli) 15times. sl s: into 3rd Of 5ch at neg of raur-d.

3rd round: Sl sl into rirst ?■& sp. 3ch (oounl as f dc), work 2dc intc first 2ch sp. ich. [3dointo next 2ch sp. tchj 15limes, s: st into 3rd ol 3sh at beg of round.


Make 6ch, Sl St into iimt on to term s rir:ę. 1 st round:3ch (count ss tdc), worh 15CC in:o ring, sl st into 3:d Ot 3ch St beę oi round

2nd round: 3ch (count as Tdc), 2dS ntc sarno St as Las? sl st. 2ch. skip tdc. tdo ntc next dc. 2ch. step 1dC, *3CC mto next dc. 2ch, Step ido. ide into next dc, 2ch. .-.kip 1dc: rep irorn * lwice morę, sl st into 2rd ol 3ch at Pen of round.

3rd round: 3cn. Gcc into ~ ext dc. 'tdc Into next dc. [2ch. 1dC into ne*r dc] lwice, Gcc into next do; reo Irom * twJoe mors. Mcc in'0 next dc, 2chjT\vce. s st into 3rd ol 3ch a: b~g of round.

4th round: S! sl i.-rtO ea.ch of nexi 2dc. 'Ch. f sc into first ch sp, 3ch, 1sc into next on sp. 6ch. ’1sc into ncxu* sp. [3ch. 1so into noxt ch sp] 3 timss. orft; rep front ’ twfce morę, ]1sc into ne<t ch sp, 3chj lwice, sl slirto first SC.

5th round: Sl st nto first 3ch sp. 3ch werk 2dc into lirst 3Ch sp, ntc next 6ch areń werk [Gdc. 2ch. ddc], *3dC Into eadt Ol ncxt3 3ch fps. into r,ext 6ch arch werk [=do. 2ch, Gcc]: tup Irom * lwice moro, Gdc mto each c-; last 2 3cn sos. slsl into 3rd of'3ch. st beg ol round.

6th round: ich. ICC into same st ss last Cl St i SC into eacn o: naxt 2dc. I pcct. I&c into esch ot nexl Gcc. into next ?ch sp work ]1su, ' piedt, tsc], isc into s= dr. of nexl 5dc, *i ocet. [Isc into each ol nad 3cc. 1 pócot] 3 limes, 'se intc esc-, of next Gcc. into next 2ch sp werk [Isc. 1 pcot. isc], 1sc mto each of next Gdc: icp Irom * wice morę, l picot. [isc nto each ol necct 3dc. t picot] wice. sl sl into RfSt SC. Fasten cff.

4th round: 3ch, tdc into each ol r.ex;2dc. Sdo in:o next dc. ’1dc into pach C; "sxt 3-do. 2ch. 1cc into nextdc. 2ch. Icc into C-ach of nsxt 3dc. Gac in:o next dc; rep Irom ' lwico morę, icfo into esch of next 3dc, 2ch. 1ac into rext dc. 2ch. Sl St nto 3rd of 3ch al oeg of round.

5tn round: 3ch. 1 do into S3eh oi next4dc. Scc ntc next do. * 1 dc into COCh of next cdc. 2cc into n«xt 2ch sp, Iric into next do. 2dc Into next 2ch sp, I dc i-to each of ;<ext 5dc, Gdc into next ci; roplrom * lwice morę. 1 cc intc cach ot n.ext Edc. 2doin:o next 2cli sp. 1 do into next dc. 2dc -‘.o last 2ch sp, sl fil -.10 3rp of 3ch st beg of round Fastanolf.

Special Aborc/latlon BObblO = wOrk Sdcinto nex: st until * loop of each ratiains on haok. yo and through all 6 locps on hock.

1$t round: Make fich and worte-g into first of th-se ch work [Idc. 2ch) 7 times, S! $1 into dth of Bch st beg of round.

2nd round: 3cli iCC-fita? *.dc). work2dc iiltO same S' as last sl st. 2cn. [3dc intc next dc. 2ch] 7 times. sl st irtló 3iC of 3c* at bC$ ci round.

3rd round: 3ch. lec into same ot as las; sl st. tdc into nyxt dc, 2dc mto nett óz 2ch. I2dc mto next dc, tdc intc nexl d: 2dointo nextbc. 2dh] 7times, Si srinio 3rc oi 3ch a; bc-g ot round.

4th round: £ch (count ss 1cc 2ch), Skc -9x: co. 1 boode mto next do. 2cłt. skb •t<lc, Kie inro r,ext dc. 2ch. [1ds iriic no* do. 2ch. skip tdc. * bOOOlC intc next dc 2cń, skip lec. 1cc into r-»x! CC. ?cr»i " times. sl st into 3td 015Ch at beo of roun: 5ti*. round: 3ch, Ido intc same st 3S 3S St St, >'<X into first 2oh sp. 1dc into lep nexl bobblO. 2dC into next 2ch sp. 2dointc nexr ctc. 2ch. [2dc into nexl do. 20C into n~xt 2cli sp. tdo into tep of nsx* bebbte 2doin:o next 2ch sp. 2dc iiilonoxtdc. 2c-7 limes, sl s‘. into 3rd Of 3ch a: beę : round. -casten cif.

^ = Bobble

60 A::tn<:v;ilior!S sno Syrrbo i on D3C-:


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