
of next 3sc: rep ^3m "to * * again. 1 sc mto r X: *rsr sc

~\zjtsc rco same place as 1 ch, ‘ i2ndc. 17ac, 2ndc] into ~e*~ 2sc, 1sc into next :• "OWBtimes omitting 1sc at : src erc ng sl st to first sc. |fSsc c.er irst st, *5ch, skip sr 3ch. s! st into 3rd ch ^ sts. 1 sc into next st, Idif^cm hook] twice, 5ch, Oi-e' next st; rep from * 3 at erd of last rep and end-

pton of 1 dc/rf and 1 dc/rb

Hg -, 8ch, join with sl st.

px»~n* as 1 dc and 3ch), [3dc firres. 2dc into ring, sl st to BSKn off.

B join into a different as 1 dc), 2dc into same round each of next 3 3dcj into next corner sp; morę and from * to ** ~:o last corner sp, sl st to off.

C join into a different out: as 1dc and 3ch), 3dc sc * 1 dc/rb round each of 'Dund each of next 3 sts, icr of next 3 sts* *, [3dc, corner sp; rep from * to * * again, 2dcinto st “o 3rd of 6ch. Fasten off.

4th round: Using D join into a different corner sp, 3ch (count as 1 dc). 2dc into same corner sp. "(1 dc/rf round each of next 3 sts, 1 dc/rb round each of next 3 sts] twice, 1 dc/rf round each of next 3 sts* *, [3dc, 3ch, 3dc] into next corner sp; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, (3dc, 3ch] into last corner sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Fasten off.

Frozen Star

Notę: For description of dtr3tog. dtr4tog and tr3tog see page 10.

Base ring: 12ch, join with sl st.

1st round: 1ch, 24sc into ring. sl st to first sc. (24 sts).

2nd round: 6ch, dtr3tog over next 3 sts (counts as dtr4tog), [7ch, dtr4tog over same st as last leg of previous cluster and next 3 sts] 7 times, 7ch, sl st to top of first cluster.

3rd round: 1ch. 1sc into same place as 1ch. *[3ch, skip 1ch, 1sc into next ch] 3 times, 3ch, skip 1ch, 1sc into top of next cluster; rep from * 7 times, omitting sc at end of last rep, sl st to first sc.

4th round: Sl st to center of next 3ch arch. 1ch, 1 sc into same arch, ’3ch, Iscinto next arch; rep from * to end, omitting sc at end of last rep. sl st to first sc.

5th round: As 4th round.

6th round: Sl st to center of next 3ch arch, 1 ch, 1 sc into same arch, * [3ch, 1 sc into next arch] 4 times, 3ch, skip next arch, work (tr3tog, 5ch, dtr4tog, 4ch, sl st to top of last cluster, 5ch, tr3tog] mto next arch, 3ch, skip next arch, 1sc into next arch; rep from * 3 times, omitting sc at end of last rep, sl st to first sc.

Fasten off.

Spider Sguare

Notę: For description of dc2tog and dc3tog see page 10.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

1st round: 1ch, (1sc into ring, 15ch| 12 times, sl st to first sc.

2nd round: Sl st along to center of next 15ch arch, 3ch, dc2tog into same arch (counts as dc3tog). *4ch. dc3tog into same arch, (4ch, 1sc into next arch] twice. 4ch, dc3tog into next arch; rep from * 3 times. omitting dc3tog at end of last rep, sl st to first cluster. 3rd round: Sl st into next arch. 3ch, dc2tog into same arch (counts as dc3tog), *4ch, dc3tog into same arch, I4ch, 1sc into next 4ch arch, 4ch, dc3tog into next 4ch arch] twice; rep from * 3 times, omitting dc3tog at end of last rep, sl st to first cluster.

Fasten off.



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