



Beard outline. Out at 12 in at 7. Out at 8 in at 13.

Beard base.

Out at 12 in at 14. Out at 15 in at 12.

Eye 1.

Out at 1 in at 2.

Out at 3 in at 4.

Out at 5 in at 6.

Work the outline in backstitch.

Stitch eye 2 in a similar way.

Nose and mouth.

Work the nose and mouth in backstitch using the illustration as a guide.

Eyebrows, ears and face outline.

Work the eyebrows, ears and face outline in stem stitch,

Section 5.

Out at S in at T.

Out at U in at V.

Out at W in at X. Continue this seąuence until sections 5 is complete using the illustration as a guide.

Work section 6 in a similar way to section 5 using the

illustration as a guide.

Main beard section. Out at 7 in at 8.

Out at 9 in at 7.

Out at 10 in at 9.

Out at 11 in at 10. Continue this seąuence to Out at 12 in at 13.

Continue across the base in a similar way using the illustration as a guide.

Section 7.

Stitch section 7 using the illustration as a guide.

These Form-A-Lines instructions are copyright © 2008 D J Designs and may not be reproduced without permission. Published by Form-A-Lines Stitching Cards PO Box 795, St. Albans, AL2 2ZQ, UK.

Tel: 01727 769733 Email info@form-a-lines.com



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