

Out at D through the bead and in at C.

Out at F through the beads and in at G.

Out at F through thc beads and in at H.

Out at I through thc beads and in at J.

Out at 1 through thc beads and in at H.

Out at K through the beads and in at L.

Out at K through thc beads and in at M.

Out at N through thc beads and in at O.

Out at N through thc beads and in at M.

Sec t i on s 2 to 6 Stitch scctions 2 to 6 in a similar way using thc fmished diagram as a guide.

Cross spars.

Out at P through thc beads and in at C.

Out at P through thc beads, through a sccond set of beads (bugte then round) and in at Q.

Out at R through thc second set of beads and in at Q.

Out at S through thc beads and in at T. Notę that tbrcc beads arc used here (round, bugle, round).

Out at S through thc beads, through a sccond set of beads and in at U. Out at V through thc sccond set of beads and in at U.

Work thc other cross spars in a similar way using thc fmished diagram as a guide.

Tliese Form-A-Lines instructions arc copyright O 2006 D J Designs and may not be reproduccd without permission.

Published by Card Inspirations Tcwin Hill Farm, Tewin, Herts AL6 OLL, IJK. lei: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477

Out at F through thc beads and in at G.

Out at H through thc beads and in at G.

Out at J through the boad and in at K.

Out at J through the bead and in at 1.

Out at L through the bead and in at M.

Out at L through thc bead and in at I.

Out at O through the beads and in at F.

Out at O through thc beads and in at N.

Work the other branches in a similar way using the fmished diagram as a guide.


Out at 1 through the beads and in at C.

Out at 1 through thc beads and in at 2.


Out at 3 through thc beads and in at 4.

Out at 5 through the bead and in at 6.

Out at 7 through thc bead and in at 4.

Out at 5 through the beads and in at 8.

Out at 3 through the beads and in at 9.

Out at 10 through thc beads and in at 8.

These Form-A-I.incs instmetions arc copyright © 2006 D J Designs and may not be reproduccd without permission.

Published by Gard Inspirations Tewin Hill Farm, Tewin, Herts AI.6 OLL, UK. Tel: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477


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