Xo\v I want yoti to do thc big part uf lhis experimcnt. Force your hand, still clenched of course, round to thc back of your neck with thc elbow poinłing right up to thc cciling and thc musclcs tightly contracted.
Hołd it! Do you fcel an achc in the big bicep musclcs ? Kecl it bunchcd up and as hard as a crickel bali?
Now rclax it and let the arm drop and you fcel thc achc will go away and a wami lingle as the blood flows back.
Thcn you’ve done the experiment thc right way and you know thc first principle in thc Sccrets of Great Strcngth.
It is simply this—your tnuscles cati bc built up and madę big and strong by contraction and relaxation.
As an instructor and trainer of Strong Men ovcr a long period of ycars, 1 fecl I can afford to say a good deal about my methods and the scientific ways of building muscle.
There arc many sccrcts to the big task of making a strong man and building a powcrful physiquc—broad shouldcrs, deep chest, powerful torso, and mighty muscles, thews and sinews. Thesc sccrcts are revealed in my system of Body Building.
You don't want a lot of idle talk. YOU want HEALTH, MIGHTY STREXGTII, ALI.-ROUND DEYELOPMENT, T1GER-LIKE ENERGY, a BODY that will command respcct and admiration from both rncn and women. Can YOU hołd your own in every-day lite? Do you cxccl in sports, or arc you just a back ntimber? Don’t let thc other fellow get away with it while you are left out in the cold.
APOLLON PUP1LS are now known the world over for their strcngth and endurance. They lead thc field in all branches of athletics- Feats of Strength, Wrestling, Boxing. Football, Putting-the-Shot, Jumping, Cycling, Running, etc.
The succcss of my system is ahnost miraculous. Tcstimonials arc pouring in cvcry day from all parts of thc globe and from cvcry sphere of life. Professional Men, Business Men, Teachcrs, Enginccrs, Farmers, Policcmen, Men of Letters, Clcrgymen, Labourers, Bank Officials, Schoolboys and Athlctes.
The following Health Journals have rccommcndcd my course: “ Sportsman,” “ Health and Efficiency,” “ Superman,” “ Health and Strength,” ” Sports and Pastimes," “ Super Physique,” etc.
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