9 1

9 1


A 1.0 A Ił OFF ONF/S MIM) » a rcKtf from worry

e.g. Now- lliat I know che rcsulls ul tost. ii's a grcal load off my minii.

WH Af DOES THE IDIOM "A l.OAD OFI ONŁTS MINI)" MKAN ?    The idiom "a load olTone's mimT

means "relief from wom"


GIVE Mh AN HXAMPI.h, PI. li ASI!! 1'in glad you've arrivcd

safcly. It‘s a great load offiny mind


I am alraid I cannoi recommcnd him for ihc job./ A wound we get from Jighling./ whilst an injury wc gel by a cci de m Thcy dccidcd to separatc' and sic at sepnratc lablesi We generałly iinish a business letter/ willi Tours faithftilly" or 'Tours xinc«relyV Whcn we apply for a job,/ the manager, or whoever it might be/ usuolly aaks for a referenoc./ The corn stood shoulder high.-' but sad to relate/ was fuli of wceds./ Ilierc is still a dumce/ thai che c*nvelope containing the moncy/ might be found./


Ycs-No QuLt

No - I) Can we cut brcud willi the llńck edge of a knlfe ?

No • 2) Can we sny "usefbllcr" whcn forming the eomparison of "uscful" ?


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