O •' Ofk in groups Makr a list of who yon need rodotog.ive -i łuattdul ulk or prcsentanon.
Signpostrng languoge
The arna o) my tkv*drd nr) My (alk «Ml First,
Ttyn Aftc* that. f«u»*
l in gomg to (teflt afcouf. ) i dkfce (o (desmb* ) tniflUton ihit moming is to presentation into
br m
JnemawtNntr . itr**nport»n(*Qt .)
i n My mo*e about tNs Ipter
We'U comc bid to Uw pomt Ute*
(yve >ou an owerv*%v o/ move cn to focuson dcal wuh . (onwter
Feel litf to
ts that elear?
Are there any ouestions?
This SC/ren shows ... (adiagram), tf you look at this graph you can ser ..
Whal is micresting in this slide is
i'd lik* to draw your attention io lihj chart
Caiol Hum ii i freclancc consulmm for NMP She girts ulks and prcscntations nn j vanri\ of subjectt
) What is ilie tnie ot hcr talk}
2 YPhat Jo vou ihmk is mcam by '(ignposiing languagc'-1 .
Communication skilłs at worlc
II you dont irt
■meirupi me il (hyre s anyOnng you don 1 underytand.
■d we u leave aietimi nil ihc md.
So. Iet's start Mo-v lei s mor Lr Cs (urn oui This leads me finaily . Uefs
lh (objechvei ) on to lihtnftpun ) ątlenuon to (the ęutstion o! )
i > {my th<rd point ) comidt* ) uutckhij
As you know As I m surę you‘re aware
Ttiei condudes my laii
Thai r-nngs rr-t io Ihc md ot my pirsem nion
II you łv»w* any guest ons i d be pieasec^ i' do my besi to
answer them
Thank you for your attennon
Givmg tallcs and prcscntations
• Pieporalion
• r..onpovl>i->9 longuoge' s«jstr^
• OeHyCCy
* f ?Mc 7 ft'v< -■Qr
Preparation: six key poinls ~ Ob|eciivcs tp| c} • Orgonizalion
v» Audicnce \Aśiou>rs'^ G * V?sua! informalion Gonieni *<lkartO$C Proclice
Thai compiete So, (o summai
■ my (desenpnon ot ) u . (Thereare Ave *ey pcims. )
Tbafs a good pont
I'm olad you asked that question
Can i get back to you on that tater? Cm ćlraid i doo't łu**
(the information arpresenr)
l‘m afraid l"m not the right person to answer maL
Whicli ot the sin Lc\ poims on Pieparauon ili> vou ihmk ilinc qucstioits refer to? I Wlioiif you olking io: ht
v 2 W hji i< ihc .uni of »iiur ialk O_
* ls ihc talk elear and lopcalf ci ■
•ł l'lj'r ' on pi.wtiscd i;ivmu the talk1 Ą. u S What is the importam informalion to gei acrossrC-v-6 What do vou want to achteveł ^
Harr e nucheckrd the timing* t S Can uni use lite vtsunl Jnplac- equipntenr correct h ?
Art you ustng sigitposting langoage' that mak es ilir ulk.easy to foliowi 10 Arr cou showmg tou much infonnatton on the serren or sltde? $
•11 What do ihey need io know* bs ^12 Arr vou surę \thai you arr saying is tniercsting5 C
O O 7 6 Liiien io the fiist part of Carol Huni*s (alk and clieck vour answers in ©
•Q" Carol tłum gjirs a handoui on Signposrinj; language'. Wrtte the correct heading lor r jth r\uj(i
3 Imrodutinp cich secuon
2. r.r!*Tiu»i i.i ■•pu Minus H - umui lri/uiM .i sf-.'uin
* I nrrodocmg ihr topie Dealmg with qursiions
"j Heter nng hacknards -mil lor v.ir»łs ulu ludin"
^ Krferrmgto • isual inloimariOn oRrlei ring io coninion knoule.Jge €llieckmg nndrrsianding
----------- ł-lvi<ei)l —
O 77 Lisrcn to the l.ist part of Carol H»ni's prescntation Comp'rrc fhr ksy pomts about delivrry on the screen
^ Communicofion skills oł work
Delivery - key pointa
1 nm/cs
2 ypt ce__
3 óTS&It - c.nn{-q c t__
a ^ booUj U>t-łv
Ss ons
(*»* 77 L isren again. Klakę notes to help you remember »vh.i; the prcscm.er sacs about the fi'r ar e.is. Thm eompaie notes «itb a part net.
Work in groups or mdn idualb
I I rep.ire j i <IŁ oi presentation on a lopuc of vour cho<er, Us« the tnloini this seetion to think iK,-.,,, u .. .
■'•'out ho w i on will oieanur 'om ;.dk -:e.c rui'' sections, u-ftnt vijU ,i . . » ■----■*■ a .
' 'vhji c isua! iiłK>mkar>o« sc steios. question>. what ,
, __ „ *"PO«nłii Uibfojiił to wr.
- Cuve your talk or p.--...,
i- c-cnititioM to thr«si of(bed^»
76 » UN»T 7