. - company stores its goods at its headquarłers.
I Tłie need for a product to be sold is called ~e demand.
li. Gross means that all the taxes have been deducted. ~~e people working in a company are called the staff. ' a company is running at a loss, it is not making any profit.
A slump in sales is an increase of the amount sold. Tłcome tax is paid on imported goods.
a person who keeps records of the money *eceived, paid and owned by a company the amount of something which is available a product brought from another country the amount of business done by a company n a given period of time a document which lists goods and services mat have been provided and states how ruch money is owed for them
1. ... officer - a person who checks that travellers do not take goods into a country without paying taxes
2. a company which tries to sell similar goods and services in the same market
4. somebody who puts money into a company to make a profit
6. money paid to a company which pays your costs if you have an accident or injury