

’ulony na

- slaby/dobry z

interestcd in - zainteresowany


married to - zamężna/zonaty z pleased with - zadowolony z polite to - uprzejmy dla

n/y    wybierając Wyra , .

c odpowiedni przyimek. <a * tabelk;


difjerent /rom - różny od

responsiblc* for - odpowiedzialny za

similar to - podobny do

typical of - typowy dla

unaware of - nieświadomy (czegoś)

me me water Thunday a piece of paper May 7ch

----7 '“1

4* '^aurant    che tax. the motorcycle


rday doesn't really suit me but I can come

__ J /IV /


of the story she is very

____ • ‘


j vVhar t/me d/d you a

4    Mysiscers binhday is

5    7łieyjumped_

doches on.

but then everything changes. arrive


O Wstaw w luki odpowienie przyimki lub pozostaw puste miejsce jeśli przyimek nie jest potrzebny.

a l think we should cali her tonight or tomorrow * in the morning to see if everything is alright.

We need to ask our teacher1__her telephone

number. Or he could cali her from school during the break1_lunchume. What do you think.

1 If Manuela is ill, we could vistt her *-che


with thei

I think there are three or four eggs left. They should be __--■

b l don't agree 1_you. Manuela wouldnt just

go1_home without telling anybody. She was

planning to go backJ_Spain *_the end

of December because she wanted to be with her familys_Christmas. So l cant understand why

she would want to fly back6_November. No,

• ** -

7 Hegoc

paying the driver.

and ran off without

____    I    I lUCI

P    ■    ■

it's impossible. She must be ill or something.

am concerned that Manuela hasnt come .1

g let's eat

delicious food there. 9 Martin fell_

.. They serve

_ . ■ >uji i c v_v/11 ic___

class again. I wonder what could have happened 1 her. I last saw her5 Ricardos party

W Writeicdown you will forget.

and broke his leg. _, otherwise

^ -----------,----/

_Saturday night and she seemed perfectly

OK. But this wass last week and now she

hasn't been at school for four days. Perhaps she

is not well. I know she sometimes suffers6_

terrible headaches.

^Zakreśl przyimki, które właści ? uzupełniają zdania.

1    She wore her    hair    in a style

a like    b    from

2    People will always disagref    is responsible

_global warming.

a with    b    for    c    to d from

3    I think children should always e en_their parents.

a -    b    at    c    in



her mothers. d with

Dopasuj powyższe akapity do poleceń w zadań maturalnym. Wpisz odpowiednie litery przy każdym poleceniu.

4    lhave always been interested chemistry.

a for    b in

5    Everybody laughed _ really care.

a at    b from

d to

biology and

c at    d -

him at school but he didn't

c to

^ the age of 40 my aunt got married

1 friglishman.

■* I b with

d with an

jesteś na kursie językowym w Irlandii. Twoja koleżanka z grupy po raz kolejny nie pojawiła si a lekcji języka angielskiego. Rozmawiasz o tym innym uczestnikiem kursu.

•    Wyraź swoje zaniepokojenie i przypuszeni

że coś się musiało stać.

•    Nie zgódź się z opinią rozmówcy.

•    Zaproponuj, co zrobić w takiej sytuacji.

na z

c to

d for


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