Your difficulty is: |
Curling your thumb with your forearm turned inward and your wrist bent, palm first. |
Tight Muscles: |
Muscles that control thumb: 1 e.\tensor pollicis longus 2 e.\tensor pollicis hrevis 3 abiluctor pollicis longus. |
Starting Position: |
Sit leaning slightly forward, right elbow resting on right thigh. Turn right forearm inward to limit with wrist straight, and bend all joints of thumb as if to touch base of little finger. Fix right thumb in position with left hand, palm-to-palm, thumb around back of hand. |
Stretehing: |
1. Use left hand to bend right wrist toward palm and outward (little finger direction) so that stretch is felt in right thumb, wrist, and up into the forearm. 2. Tense these muscles as if to straighten thumb; resist with left hand; hołd for 5 seconds. 3. Relax and use left hand to bend right wrist to limit-maybe a little bit morę. 4. Repeat until you leel you can stretch no further and muscles fcel tight. I lold tliis finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę. |
Stimulation: |
1. Retain grip. 2. Try to bend right thumb and wrist forward and outward. 3. Resist that movement with left hand. 4. Hołd position a lew seconds. |
Common Errors: |
* Forearm not turned inward. * Thumb not bent at all joints. * Wrist not bent far enough. |
Normal Mobility: |
With forearm turned inward and thumb completely bent, you should be able to bend your wrist nearly 90 degrees. |