


Your difficulty is:

Straightening your thumb with your fprearm turned outward, your elbow kept straight and your wrist bent backward.

Tight Muscles:

Muscles invoived in thumb movements:

1    fle.xor pollicis longus

2    flexor pollicis hrevis

3    opponens pollicis

4    adductor pollicis.


Table or counter.

Starting Position:

Stand facing table, with right arm turned outward to limit, elbow straight. Place palm on table; grip edge with fingers. Grasp right thumb with left hand.


1.    Puli right thumb upward with left hand, so that stretch is felt along inside of thumb, wrist, and up into the forearm.

2.    Tense these muscles as if to bend thumb; resist with left hand for 5 seconds.

3.    Rclax and puli right thumb up to limit - maybc a little bit morę.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no furthcr and muscles feel tight. Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.


1.    Release grip.

2.    Turn forearm outward and straighten elbow.

3.    Point right thumb up to limit.

4.    Resist that movemenl with left thumb.

5.    Hołd position a few seconds.

Common Errors:

*    Elbow bent.

*    Forearm not turned outward.

*    Right hand lets go of table edge.


This stretch counteracts aches or cramps in forearm, hand and fingers.

Normal Mobility:

With forearm turned outward and elbow straight, you should be ablc to point your straight thumb morę or less at a right anglc to the forearm.



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