Divide the class into six groups and get each group to sit together.
Tell the children that in many English-speaking countries the Easter Rabbit takes chocołate eggs to the children. Ask the children what a rabbit looks like. To introduce the story, tell them that rabbits have not always had long ears and that you are going to tell them how they got long ears.
Tell the story. You will need to use a lot of mime to give some visual back-up to the words.
Why do ra
have long ears?
Once upon a time the King of the Animals decided to give all the animals names.
He said,\‘You’re a lion’
'You’re a monkey'
‘You’re a crocodile’
‘You’re a frog'
‘You're a tiger’
‘You’re a hippo’ ,
And ffnally he said to the rabbit, ‘You’re a rabbit
But rabbits have terrible memories and rabbit could not remember his name. ‘Oh no!
and said, Tm sorry. I can’t rememoer my name.' ‘You’re a rabbit’, said the King. ‘Oh, thank you!’ said the rabbit.
The rabbit went away. Tm a rab-ra-r. Oh, no! I can’t remember my name.’
So the rabbit went to the king and said, Tm sorry. I can’t remember my name.’ ’You’re a rabbit’, said the King. ‘Oh, thank you!’ said the rabbit and went away.
Tm a rab-ra-r. Oh, no! I can’t remember my name.' So the rabbit went to the King. Tm very sorry,' said the rabbit, ‘but I can’t remember my name.' The King was angry and he shook the rabbit by the ears, ‘You’re a rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.’
‘Oh, yes. I’m a rabbit.’
The Rabbit went for a walk and he saw a....
‘What's your name?’ said the Rabbit.
‘My name’s____
The Rabbit said, ‘My name’s rab-ra-r. Oh, no! I can’t remember my name. Goodbye!’ Suddenly ears grew just a Irttle bit. And he continued until
he saw....
Point to one group.
Point to the sęcond group. Point to the third group. Point to the fourth group. Point to the fifth group. Point to the last group. Point to yourself.
Point to the first group of children and try and elicit 'lion ’.
Elicit ‘lion’; then get the children to ask ‘What’s your name?’
The rabbifs ears were long and he suddenly remembered the King. ‘My name’s rabbit. Hello hippo, my name’s rabbit. Hello ...’
Repeat the same procedurę for all
the animals, eliciting the names from all the groups.
Continue greeting all the groups of animals.
And that is how rabbits got long ears.