Anchor Reflecta Cross stitch in two strands
☆ 300 gold
Blackwork in one strand
300 gold
all blackwork
Mili Hill seed beads
00557 gold
|_ all beads
STITCH COUNT 184 high x 80 wide DESIGN AREA
14 HPI (28-count evenweave) — 33 X 14.5CIT1 (131M x 53/4in)
16 HPI-29 x 12.5cm (11 V2 x 5in)
18 HPI-25.5 x 11cm (101/4x4V2in)
This design was stitched using Anchor Reflecta metallic thread and Mili Hill seed beads on 28-count evenweave over two and four threads of the fabric.
Some stitchers prefer to work blackwork designs using Holbein stitch, rather than backstitch. For Holbein stitch, work a row of running stitch in one direction, leaving the same number of threads between the stitches as the stitch length (for example, bring your needle up through the fabric, then take it back down over two threads, then bring it back up under two threads). On the return journey, fili in the mi5sed stitches
If you love using me don't miss this lvory Cats design, coming in issue 61 of Cross Stitch Gold. You'll adore the cute kitten, framed in a beautiful china piÄ…te decorated with gleaming backstitch.