

Community: Moking inforonces.

A Busy Community

People live, work, and play together in a community.

Look at each picture. Circle the sentence that matches it.

They will ride their bikes. They will ride the bus.

They are going shopping. They are going to the park.

Someone needs help. Someone is late.

The library is open. The library is closed.

The firefighters are playing. The firefighters are working.

It is a school day.

It is a weekend day.

Poroni: This actwty toatufos somo o< tho poopio and thingr, thnt oso part o1 a community I! provido$ your diiSd willi prącisco «n 1h« importanl thinklng sk<ll o» making inłerences—''smart gucssos" bo&ed on dues. Help your dvkJ by soadng aioud the sentoncos You can extc-r>d thi$ activlly by ir\vo-Vir-g your chlld in mak-ng infererces about pecple and evcnls soen while ttave!iog through your commun ly

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