

Intermediate Language Practice


Write a ąuestion for each answer.


Write a who or what ąuestion for each answer.


Write a short answer for each ąuestion, beginning as shown.


a) .. Wkąttime.doyęu u-fi.uąjjyfjptup?...

Get up? At about 7.30 usually.

b) .....................................................

I was reading War and Peace.

c) .....................................................

I went there to buy some food.

d) .....................................................

So far I’ve only eaten breakfast.

e) .....................................................

Now you have to put it in the oven!

f) .....................................................

Yesterday? I felt absolutely awful.

g) .....................................................

Fm washing my hair. I can’t talk, sorry.

h) .....................................................

Because I haven’t paid the electricity bill!

i) .....................................................

My bike? I left it outside the school.

i) .....................................................

My party? Ali my friends are coming.

a 1 lA/hp lives next dopr?

A family of three lives next door.

b) .....................................................

I play with my little brother.

c) .....................................................

Mrs Dawson teaches me maths.

d) .....................................................

I usually eat a sandwich for lunch.

e) .....................................................

Horror fiłms frighten me.

f) .....................................................

I talk most to my friend Dina.

g) .....................................................

I sit next to Maria in English.

h) .....................................................

I take my dog for a walk every evening.

i) .....................................................

My friend Tim makes me laugh.

j) .....................................................

Musie helps me study.

a) Haveyoubeenilllong?

No, .J.hwPMł..............

b) Are you waiting for me ?


c) Did you go to the cinema?


d) Willyoubeheretomorrow?


e) Did you have to pay a lot?


f) Can you help me with this problem? No,............................

g) Do you know where the theatre

is? Yes,............................

h) Is George going to be there?




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