MS Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07 10il7 Pago 9
fm sittmg m my tedroom and wrtrrg this. I‘ve ,usl gol back frorr. my trio to the USA wrth Dan. I ve been on Ols ot trips abroafl bsfcre. but I ve neser been on one ike thls! i asked Dan 10 go wlth me tecause he s usually a very scctabte person and I thcoght he would be a gacd traveilmg compamoo. Bul he was compOtely dfferent w hen we were traveling W hen we were visibng ctnes. he drdnt wam to do any ot the thngs l wanied lo do. I thooght he was reaily lazy. And he was mean too. he never wanted to pay his share. 7Vni» we were irasallng arouno. he borrcwed kits ot money frorri me and I haven t had U back yet.Atso. he's usualy a very confident person, ou he wasn t Ike Ihai on the tnp Wben we arnved m a new place, he was atways nervcos ihal someone wouW rob us. He thoughl eeeryone n the streei was a rr.ugęier! Of course. noChing happened. And he was so inconsderate! I lock a backpadr but he took an enormous sutcase. He often sad it was tco hea'/y tor him and I had to cany e He ddn t care thial it was hard for me. I got angry wilh nim guite often but when I did. he got upset and lotd me Ihal I was beng unkmd lo nim.
So r. wasn t eractly an enjoyabte inp. Snce we got tddc i haven t seen Dan and he nasnl contacted me y«. But fve aiready staned pannng my nexl tnp - to Scandnana I ha-.ent booked anytnng yet. but r*e aiready ceoded one inng - fm going on my crwn’
on the phone.
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.
1 What does the wiiter say about Dan‘s behauiour? a □ He was aniused by it.
b □ Dan was sorry about it.
< □ He was surprised by it.
Questions 2-10 Write Tfue ot Folie. U the text dofMi t say, write ?.
2 The writer is lalking about something tliai
happened a short time ago._
3 The writer rarety goes abroad._
A The writer has known Dan for a long time.
5 Dan wasn't interested in doing much during the
6 Dan has paid the wiiter the money he borrowed
froin him._
7 Dan beeame ner vous after someone mugged them.
8 Dan’s suitcase wasn't reaily łieavy._
9 Dan said that the writer was insensitise..
10 The writer usually travels alone._
■Ml ) 10 I
Write about someone you like/dislike. Include:
• a deser iption of the person's behaviour and personality. using the correct present tense and fiequency words and pluases
• things he/she has done, using the present pei fect
• a deser iption of something the person did in the past. using the past simple and the past continuous
Include appiopnate vocabulaiy for desciibing
character and behaeioui.
3 (ęirclr^the correct answers.
1 _this kind of Computer before?
A Are you evei using B Have you ever used C Do you ever use
2 _the meamng of this word?
A Know you B Are you knowing C Do you know
3 My friends_to Italy.
A have nevei been B have never gone C haven't neuer been
A The concert is nexi week._my ticket.
A I‘ve got aiready B fwe aiready gai C Vvc got yet
5 He did a lot of sightseeing_his trip.
A while B during C when
6 The company he works for is sery_
A unefficient B inefficienc C drsefficienr
7 My fiiends_to that restaurant.
A go often B are often going C often go
8 When we_borne, it was very late.
A goi to B goi at C got
9 When 1 arrived. she_
A was talking B talked C was talk
10 Could you tell me when_?
A the film starts B does the film start C starts the film
■Ml ) 1Q~1
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