Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi11

Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi11


MS Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07    10il7 Pago 12

Test 5A

1 Complete the dialogues using will and ihe verbs below. You may need to use question or negatise forms.

| cost have wm ni ind see get tell

► ‘Are you playing in the team tomonow?'

‘Yes, but we woo'r    the mat eh.1

1    Tm going home now.‘

■OK. I_you tomorrow."

2    How much_:he tickets_

‘1 don't know. Look on the intei net.’

3    "Can you keep a seciet?'

*Yes, of course. 1_anyone about it."

4    “Can we go to your house?"

‘Yes, I*m surę my patentu_.

5    Tm not going to wear a coat.'

■You_eold. It’s weiy windy."

6    Wltat are you going to order?"

‘1 think I_a pizza."

uaa /~6~

2 Tick (✓) if the sentences are correct and cross (A) if they are incorrect.

► I m surę we'ie winning the match next week. JL

1    I don't think it’s raining this afternoon.    _

2    Toin"s starung a new job next week.    _

3    I can't talk now but l"ll talk to you later.    _

4    fm tired and 111 go to bed in a lew minutes. _

5    What are you going to do at the weekend? _

6    I II watch my fasourite piogramme tonight. _


3 Complete the sentences using the correct form of

the words in brackets.

► Cathy was    (excite) wlten she goc the

job because the work is verv    umeiest).

1    I think Maths is really_(interest), but

it"s also quite_(challenge).

2    Making a speech to the whole school was

_(excite), although I was quite

_(frighten), too.

3    It was an_(amaze) school trip, but I

was very_(tire) when 1 got back.

4    I think youll be_(disappoint) wlth that

film. I thought it was really_(borę).

5    Sometimes it's_(annoy) when my

mum makes me do jobs l'm not_

(interest) in.

6    I was very_(annoy) when I dtdn t pass

all my exams. It was really_


MP111 /Tl

4 <^jrcie)the correct words.

►    Would I open a window. please?

1    is this seat free? Would / May I sil here?

2    S/iall/ Could you explain this to me please?

3    Would you mind wcutirrg / 10 H’art for a few minutes?

4    Wdi f Shall 1 make you a cup of coflee?

5    May/Cari you help me Wlth thrs, please?

6    111/1 >halJ carry that heavy bag for you.


5 Complete the sentences wlth one word.

> He    thirty people in his company.

1    Magda"s got a_in Business Studies

front a university in the USA.

2    I’m going to_for that job; I really hope

I get it.

3 Joe’s job is onl> _. it will only last for

iwo months.

4 We are looking for an_chef who has

worked tn hotels for at least two years.

5    Elana has a_job. and works three

hours each day.

6    Stuntmen_a lot of rnoney because

their jobs are sery dangerous.

■.TfTii y~n


tiiitmiihiJii & Oxford University Press


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