MS Conncctiona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07 10il7 Paga 2<
Progress Test 3A
1 Read the texts and match them to the deseriptiims
A I tourd tha model ralher drsappombng. The company sa-ys l!'s easier lo use lian any simlar PC on the market. bot wnen I tesled < ou I tourd fi mucn mcre complcalefl than my current PC.
B You are achrised tnat tte monitor steuld ner. te Kepi close to a heat source or on a surfaoe that canrot bear its werghl It you experence any lectincai problems. ccntaci our helplne.
C PCs first be ca me wdespreafl m Brram m tte seconfl nalf ot tte 1990s. wnen tte number of people using PCs at borne began to rse steadtty. This was mairty because ttey tecame much mcre affordabie
0 I wated and waited (o/ tnat email I unagired al soits cf thrgs it migi* cootain and I thooght ot all sorts ot replies I rwght make. I couldnt gei it out of my mmd. Tte tme passed. Tte day went. Tte email never came.
E It scunis vo me as t your chrCren are spendng too mutfi tme piayrg oamputer ęames. Try mtrodueng a Iml ot an hour a dary. And don t gtve m. even if they argue wttn you.
F Later ths atlernoon you can hear this weeks episode m our stery about a group ot college frends and tneir varcus relaticrsbps Thats at 3:30.
G 8y tte bme the person arrr.ed to carry out me repars to my Computer. I had gone oul Ths is smpły unacceptable. I hac agreed a lued bme for the person to eonie bu they faled to do &o. I wouk) Ike to kro* what you mtend co do
H We are ntereste-d m slartlng a bard and would lite » meet ccner mustó<ans. tf ycu would Ike to be part of an exc*rvg rew band. contact tte number betów.
1 I m amazed ac what s been gorg on. I tteught ewyone goi on well tegether in tnat group but it seems that they Ve never Iked each otter. Wow! t |ust stews that you can never really te surę whats gorg on with anyone.
1 |
an advice page in a magazine |
— |
2 |
a fot mai letter |
_ |
3 |
a factual aniele |
_ |
4 |
a notree at a college |
_ |
5 |
a review in a magazine |
— |
6 |
an advertisement in a newspapei |
_ |
7 |
an Łnformal letter |
_ |
8 |
a manuał for a product |
_ |
9 |
a radio announcemetu |
_ |
10 |
a novel |
2 Write about modern technology. lnclude:
• coinparisons between the past. present and futurę, using the passive
• what the situation would be without modern technology. using the second conditionai
• things you like and dislike about computers, using firce, hole, can't stand, keen, etc.
lnclude appropriate Computer tocabulary.
3 (^irclejthe correct answers.
1 If she had a better job._morę money.
A she had B she'11 have C she‘d have
2 By the time 1 phoned the box Office, all ihe tiekeis
A have gone B wem C had gone
3 '1 didn't enjoy the conceit.' 'No.__'
A sodidl B neitherdidl C Ididn't
4 Geoige can't stand_in this city.
A ro live B living C live
5 He goi_and dtove away.
A into his car B his cat into C into car
6 That chait_by my father.
A was madę B madę C is madę
7 ‘\Vhat's yout opinion?' ‘Weil,_you.'
A I agree with B l'm agiee with C 1 agiee
8 That's her new boyfriend. They started going _łasi week.
A out with B on C out
9 _leave now ot youll miss yout train.
A You ought B You'd better C You should to
10 ‘What do you think_my new
hairstyle?’ ‘1 like it.'
A fot B with C of
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