MS Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07 10il7 Paga 25
1 Read the texts and answer the question betów.
I found tm» model rather dteapponlng. Tte company says ifs easiec to use than sny smitar PC on the market. Out wten l tested n out 11cur>d it much mwe comphcated than my current PC.
You are advtsed that the monter snoud not be kept dcse to a beat source or on a suiface tha: car/iot oear £s neght. If you expertence 8ny technlcal probtems, contact our helplme.
PCs Irat oecame Aidespread in Bntam n the second ha* of tne 19&0s. when tne numoen ot peopie using PCs at hcme began w rtse steadity. Ths was man>y because they became much rrore affordabfe.
I waited and waited for that email. I magneo all sorts ot Etimgs £ migłnt contam and I thought of all scrts ot repłes I mght make. I ccuUnl get it out of my mind. Tne time passed. The day nem The emal never came * sounds to me as it your cfiktren are spendrg tco much Orne ptaytng cotrputer games. Try nroducing a limr. of an twur a day. And don! gve m. even f they aręue wth ycu Laten the aftemoon you can hear this week's ep<sode in our story abcul a group of cotege friends and ther var»us reiaacoshps. Tnarsat3;30.
By the tme the person arrhed to carry out the regairs to my Computer. I had gone out. Ths is simply unaoceptabie I had agreed a fixed pirs for the person » ccme but they taited to do so. I wauH lite lo know v»hat you mend to do.
We are mterested « starting a oar>d and would jke to meet other musiciars. If you woutd lite to te pait of an excitmg new band. contact the number oelow i m ama2ed at whats oeen gomg on. I thought evenycne gol on weil together In ihal grcop but £ seems that the/ue never llted each ctner Wow! It |ust shoas that you can never realy be surę whafs going on wtth arryone.
Write a deseription of the relationship between two
people in the past. Include:
• things the two people liked and disliked about each other. using like, hale. canl stand, keen, etc.
• a sequence of events involving the two people. using the past sintple and the past perfect
• a shoi t conversation in which they say that they agree / don't agiee with each other
Include socabulary for describing relationships.
Whlch texts contain these thlngł?^Łclg)the one which does not match any of the texts7
1 a practical suggestion _
2 details of soinething in the futurę _
3 a feellng of anger _
4 an expectaiion that soinething would happen _
5 a warning not to do soinething _
6 a promiie to do soinething _
7 a sery surprising discosery _
8 a compartson _
9 an insitation to do somethlng _
10 an explanation for a development _
HHH / to |
3 Cp:i£cTe)the correct answers.
1 You should_how to cook.
A tolearn B learn C leaming
2 _you. I think you're conipletely wrong.
A I'm not agree with B Idisagiee
C I don't agree with
3 We’ve_ We don't speak to each other.
A fallen out with B falien up C fallen out
•ł You'd be fitter if you_morę exercise.
A did H do C will do
5 My Computer_so I can't send emalls.
A is tepairmg B is being repaiied C is repaired
6 ‘I really like this song.' 'Do you?_.’
A Sodo I B Ido C Neither do I
7 1 couldn'i buy anything because !_
my money.
A spent B hadspent C havespent
8 The whole system doesn‘t work. When I _. nothing happens.
A turn it down B turn it on C tura on it
9 What’s your opinion_this book?
A to B fot C of
10 Do you fancy_to sonie musie?
A listening B listen C tolisten
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