MS Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07 10il7 Pago 17
1 Read the texts A-E and answer the questions.
A IVe been n the same scnoo! srvce I was etaren. ano l've always enjoyed it here - sil rew. Everythlng nas tfiarged WeVe |ust got a new gid io our drama ctass. Shes raally horntie and she's partlcularty horrOte lo ir>e. l conl want to stop doing drama because it's resily Inte-e-stng, outifI dcnl do sometntng about t l'll De unhappy.
B I share a tot wth three aher student; but I m the ooty one who e.er coes any housewoik. T re ahem always say tnat the/re too bosy because they naw to do a lot ot werk tor ther course. fm r the S3me posbon as them tx/. I doal the hoasewcrk because I cent want to ive n an unttJy, dtty place.
C My situatwn at werk has been quf.e bad tor a king time.
Thss & because o1 a cołieague. who nas wcrked wsn me smce the beglnnng of the >ear. He s extremely rude and he never says sony tor the terrible things he says. Betcre he joned the company I enjoyed my yob. because * was mlerestlng ard chalenging. bul i dont lice It any morę and IVe decded lo leave and get another >ob O My bromer is vwy unheiptul al borne. He always says he's too tired to hnsh nts househok) chores. i dccii mnd doing my share. bul l don t wam to co hts, loo. I want to say someinmg lo nim about it but I know ihat ne will react nety bady and shout al me. Im rot fnghiened ofhm but I don't reaty want to haw an argument E Wnere i werk. we re not atowed to co alt soits o( thngs because our boss is very stnct. My tamity say Ihat I d betler Icok lor aremer /ob. but fm not surę. I\e heard tnat tne b09s is gong to mo<e from our Office to another department and l hope thats true. tf n rs. III be atie to enoy tne fib morę because I woni haw to weny about pleasing hm all the tme.
Question X Tick (✓) the correct box.
1 Wliat are alf the writers talking about?
a behaviour they dislike |
□ |
b people who have changed |
□ |
c yobs they dislike |
□ |
Questions 2-10 Write the letiers A-E.
2 Another person doesnl do as much as I do. _
3 My problem is with a new arrisal. _
A My situation rnight get better if I do nothlng. _
5 t would like to discuss liow I feel about a sltuation. _
6 My problem is with someone who doesnl like me. _
7 I have to obey a lot of rules. _
8 I have to Siudy as much as other people. _
9 Someone doesnl apologise to me. _
10 I've had a patiieular problem for some months. _
2 Write about your current situation and your futurę. Include:
• detaiLs about your current situation, using the present perfect and/or and sińce
• possibilities in your futurę, using the fitst conditional
• predictions about your futuro, using will
Include appropnate vocabulary for jobs and feelings (trtg/ed).
3 <(iireU»}ihe correct answers.
1 Hegotup__bedandthenbegotdressed.
A madę the B did the C madę
2 She's had a lot of_adveniuies.
A exciting B exeiied C exciteing
3 V«'ould you mlnd_back later?
A toplione B phoning C phone
•* I_see you tomorrow. fm going out.
A woni can B woni be able to C woni able to
5 fil lend you some money if you_
A atenl having B woni have C don't have
6 _play musie loud at home?
A Are you allowed B Can you to
C Are you allowed to
7 _a member of this club sińce March.
A I am BI was C I've been
S 1 haven1 eaten anything sińce_lunch.
A I was has ing B I've had C I had
9 I didnl_to upset you when 1 said that.
A think B mean C believe 10 rm going to see a film tonlght. How ahoui
_with me?
A come B coming C tocorne
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