Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi36

Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi36

MS Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07    10il7 Pago 37


Listening tests

Tests 8A and 8B

1    Aa B c

2    A true B false C false

Tests 9A and 9B

A b B b

A false B true

C false


1    A ItsChristmas nextweet

B Yes. fm tooking forward to iL A l'm no!.

B Whatsthe rnatter?

A I tan1! find any presents fot my faaily and I don't have any simę togoshopping

B You ougnt to oukon she internet for ideas The-e'sa kitof choice.

A Gocd idea. Thanks.

2    A Are you aB tight?

6 No. Ihasetogotoapartytcmighl A So,what's wrong?

B I hale all the cJothes IVe got. The/re maiły od A I think ym/ve go: some loyely cJothes.

B No. the/re ad a-wful.

A You-d bcster throw them away and buy some new ones B I would if I had some money.

A Oh

3    A You look really ssd. Are you 0Kł B Nos really.

A tthati the problem?

B I donk get on very well v*ith tny parents. We afwaysargue a: home. lt's really dilfkult

A Itł diffKuh, I kncruBut .. rfl were you. I'd tell them how you feel.

B Shouid I? They don1: understand me.

A They will if you try to lit do-or. and taBe to them.

B Do yoo think so? OK. maybe III try to do shat.

4    A What i the malter with yoo?

B Nothing

A Come on yoo ean tell me

B My best fnendsdon't want togo around with me any morę I don't tnowwhafs wronę.

A IVe had that p-oblem before.

B Mave yoo? So. what tan I do?

A I think yoo shouid ask them what the problem Ma, oe you upset them. and you dorvt kncw it.

B Are you sore?

A Yev i am B OK fil do that

5    A Hey the place ts a mess What’s up?

B My ronm's always a mess But today I though: l'd try and tidy it up.

A Yes, yooVe got too many thmgs look at all those CDs The/re mostfy really old gtoups look at this - The Dash - you donk listen to them any morę. do you?

B Nah. t've got lots of CDs I never listen to

A You shoutd try to sell them on the internet. You kitowi on one of those websrtes where people tan buy thmgs from other peop^e. B I tank. The/re all in bad condition.

A Oh . . Never mind. You'H have to give them to someone, then. Mave yoo got the Raraones? I like them

Pi Audioscript

Interyiewer Helloand welcome bati to The Musie Show. And with me herc in the studio is Julio Gonzaler, a Cuban rausician -oho moyedto London from his Home town of Kavana Welcome to the show, Juho Thankyou.

So Julio, how long have yoo been in London?

About three yeacs And how have you fbond rt?

Well, vety diffetenl from Cuba. of course - and I dent just mean the weather!

No, l'm surę. Is the musie scene m London very drfferent?

It yes London rs great - :here's a lot ofvanety here. fve been ab:e to raeet different musiciansand leatn to play different instruments.

What instruments have yoo learnt to play sance yoo arrived in Britain?

fve oniy really tned to play two new Instruments senously in Britain. The first one I tned was the etectn: guitar. and lenjoyed playing that.

You hadn't played that m Cuba?

No, I hadn't. But it was easy. Theres a long tradition of aeoostic guitar playing, in Cuba of couise. so l'd learnt to play the acoustu: guitar as a child.

And was the acoustic guitar your mam instrument in Cuba?

U was for a toupic of years, yes and it was the first instrument I learnt. Then laser, when I was about twelve I had a wonderfulmusi: teacher.She mtioduced me to the piano.

And did you prefer that?

Well, I like them both really.

And did you play any other instruments m Cuba? fd tned the d/ums when I was at unrrccsrty, but I wasnt s*ery successful. I realiseb after Id played them for six months that I defmitely wasnt a drummetl You mentioned playing two new Instruments sińce you carae to London. LYhat was the other oneł I dectded to try someth.-ng completely different - the sanophone.

Wowl How was that?

Greal But l'm still learnmg I thmk rt takes years to be a gocd saxophomst.

So, you're not going to play the saxophcne at your concert next week. then.

Defmitely notl fm happy being the gurtarat, but I do en)oy trying other instruments for fun. Most musrcians . . I know are interested in playing as many mstruments as they can ..

























© Oxford Uniyersity Press


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