CO Connectlona 2 7E37S 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Pago 26
Progress Test 3A
1 Read these texts aboui rock musie. Matęh
senlences (1-10) with the iexts (A-I).<^jrcle)the
sentence that does noi match any of the texts.
A Rock musc siarted m frie 19603 m me USA and the UK. At the ume. sodety was changtng and yourg people were beginnlng to prctesi about vartous things. They were growtrg ther halr and wesring ther onn fashons.
8 Rom musc de.eoped frcm eartier kinds of popular musc. particularty blues and rccknrol. Blues was the musc of the black pecpfie c< the USA front the 1920s to th<e 1950s. Rocknroll was lasler and became popular wen whlte people in the 19SOs.
C Rock musie ;ost popularny n the UK in the łatę 1970s.
Many young people thooght it was Pecoming silly. because some rock bards were very serous and played '<ery king songs. Ihey wanted musk: for teerogers to be simple and kiud and aOout the reat Irres ot teenagers. So they invented punk musie.
0 Wben rcck musie was tess pepular in Bntan in the 1&80s. sorne rock bards contnued to make records ard co oorcerts. They remamed popular n «her parts of the wora.
£ Rock musc has played a bg pan in my life I stil listen to sorne o1 the records that I bought many ye-ars ago when I was a slucent. They bnrg back wondertul memones lor ir>e.
F Rock musc has dene a let of gcod for the wortd. For example. speoal eeents Ike Uve Aid n 1985 and L«e 8 n 2C05 have rased enermous suma of money for tne nugry people ot Afrca and głven pubiclty to their ternble stuaoons.
G Tne great rock bands of the 1970s were a lot becter than ihe rcck bands you hesr today. Today's rock bands try to sound Ute the crginal oards. but they can't.
H Rock musc s nere to stay. When r. siarted. people said that il would orty be trendy tor a short tme. but people sili lorę «. Young people today lo.e fi. and n the futurę < włl ccnilnue to be popular.
1 Rock musc a also aocul money. When it siarted, young people n.ented it tor their own entertanmenl. But record compames knew they coukl make millons of dolars frcm fi ard « has been makmg them money sińce that hme.
1 _ It has been important to me.
2 _ Ifs very easy to play.
3 _ Ifs not as good as It was.
4 _ Ifs big business.
5 _ It began beeause of soeial changes.
6 _ There were reasons why it beeame
2 Write about changes in your life or in the place where you llve. In your answer describe:
• the situation in tłie past. ustng the past simple
• the situation now. using the present perfect
• the past and the present. using coinparative adjectives
Use vocabulary front units 7-9, for ecample. to describe appeatance or parts of a town.
3 (CiTcleJthe correct answers.
1 Maths is my_subject at school.
A worse B worser C worst
2 We_when the tain started.
A cycled B were cycling C have cycled
3 Have_any dangerous sports?
A e\'ei you done B you done evei
C you ever done
4 It takes me a guartei_an hour to walk
to school.
A to B of C in
5 Zoe _me at school sińce łasi week.
A doesn't phone B didn't phone
C hasn'i pltoned
6 This hat is not as ntce_the blue one.
A than B that C as
7 At the traffic lights. go_.
A to stiaight B stiaight on C the straight
unfashionable in the UK.
7 _ It has been helpful in some ways.
8 _ Rock bands stayed popular outside the UK.
9 _ lt's always going to be popułat.
10 _ It came front other styles of musie.
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© Oxford University Press
8 I thlnk you_less and exetcise morę.
A should to eat B should eat |
C should eatiitg |
9 WeVe been friends |
_ three years. |
A e\'er B sińce C for | |
10 Whafs the blggesi ciiy |
your region? |
A front B for C in |
CBU—71ól / 30 | |