Przeczytaj teksty. Które osoby wierzą, że na innych planetach istnieje życie?
Life on ocher pianets ' | |
Mary |
jfes. |
I Jetr |
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r im |
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Alan |
n I |
Przeczytaj teksty jeszcze raz i odpowiedz na pytania.
hac does .ylary cmn^c acout ąl-teń . ir.r
Ske thinks Mar alieH life is differzni fej/a life on £arłh.
1 Does Mar/ chac’chink a lor ot olaners
have lite on chem?
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2 Which |
wricer wancs co meec an alien? | ||
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3 Who mencions a book? | ||
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4 Does |
_ucv chink chac che-re are aiiens on |
|||| — pianets. m my ocinion. tr.ere are 3
!ct c-l ci3P2T-3 wir life on tnem. 3ut
I won - oe the same as .ife nere. |
anotner planet is /ery cifferent rrom
Earth, tne oiants and animals on >t
will be different from any iife here.
Some scientists think that thers are millions or billions ot other pianets. If that's true. I'm surę that there will be lite on some ot them. It's possible that a few pianets have got people, not exaaly like us but similar. I hope that we'll meet them one day.
We kncw a :ot 3cout the zisr.efs near tc the Earth. the pianets arouna the Sun. They are aii very not , or yery cola. It's impossible to live on these pianets and I don't think that | life can survive on any of them. If i there are other pianets, I think that [-they will have the same problems. |
I read a book last year about the start of life here on Earth billions of years ago. Some scientists believe that the first life on Earth came here from another planet. |H an amazing idea. it means that even/ plant, every animal and every person in “the world is an alien! I'm not surę if l agree with the idea, but I believe that there is life out there somewhere.