Pj fig m m ffce «ord mnum i.
e) UJ as m the word fali.
18. Which Engllsh sotmds are Dlostratcd in the drawings below:

19. Draw a picture representing the pronunciation of:
a) bilabial płosi ves,
b) velar płosives,
c) ałveołar nasals,
d) Iabio-dental fricatives,
e) palato-alveolar fricalivc$,
f) the r-sound,
g) velar stops,
h) the pałatal semi-vowd,
i) the glottal fricative,
j) alveo!ar fricatives.
20. Describe in detail the actions of the articulators when pronouncing the underlined consonant dusters in the following words:
Jfio uocaL comL do not oikato. Jlo uji palaL » \aktd. A ihamow^ a jotami Unm At bp and 810 Itado ot At tteyus omd At aLmla/i •mLjo. Jtm m puut fhnoayh At nmmjf mA jnidion. Jhtn At lad, oj At Lmfut jotmo a Jamno mA At mjt palaL compromise
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