

accept his authority and in this way

*The king of France tried to make a duke of Burgundy stopped English’s wool exports to Flanders.

7    a    1^8    £#vjianJ

17) What was the impact of The Black Death (1333-1369) to the English countryside?

It decimated population in England, every 3rd person died, only few people could farm the land so in fact it meant the end of serfdom (pońszczyzna), they even could demand getting payment for working. This created a new class- Yeomen (farmers becoming reach enough to build not wooden but stone houses).Black Prince- Edward III who died before his father

Edward II.    1    9

18)    Why the English won the battle at Agincourt? 1415

England defeated France (5000 English solders contra 15000 French solders) because Henry V introduced new weapon -crossbow (kusza), which had faster renge of fire and France didnT have it. Henry' signed Peace Treaty with French according to which it was him who would success French throne after Charles death.

He even married Charles’s daughter - Catherine de Yalois, to make his claim to French throne stronger. Unfortunately, he died before French king.

19)    The Wars of Roses 1455-1485 was between 2 families Lancaster (red) and York (white)

20)    Richard NI Gloucestor was defeated because ...

Henry Tudor of Lancaster (half Welsh) fought with Richard 3 in Bothworth. Richard’s army deserted, and king had no horse, so he was caught and killed on the battlefield. (“My kingdom for a horse!”) Henry VII announced himself as a king on the battlefield and become king of England and started another house in English throne- Tudors.

21)    What was the function of Poyning*s Act 1494 in Ireland ?

Irish rebelled and Henry VII to calm them down introduced total subjection of England.

*he madę himself a kinu of Ireland


*introduced the same administration as in England (divided into shires)

* Irish parliament could meet only if English Parliament had allowed

22)    The role of The Court of Star Chamber was:

Members were takcn from Priw Council or appointcd by Tudor kings. they bccame the highest judges (in cases of high treason-zdrada stanu), represented a kind ol uniformed policy. It become very useful because they could gct rid of people who didn t want to obcy an ludors orders.

23)    Why Henry VIII didnt get the dworce with Catherine of Aragon0

Henry’s advisor- Cardinal Woolsey was send to Romę to get permission to Henry s VIII divorce But Catherine was Spanish royal couple s daughter and Spanish at that moment was very powerful country in catholic world so Pop couldn t pcrmit divorce. Henry VIII got furious nearly exccuted Woolsey because he died natural deth

24) The Act of Supremacy was sign in 1534 by Parliament.

Rejected (odrzucać) authority oi pope and madę Henry V 111 the tcac o •beginning of Anglican Church

•    Ali monasteries (klasztory) were closed (treasures went to lords)

•    Pricsts couIdnT havc wives

•    Masscs in English, no morę in Latin

•    Bibie translatcd into English

riu    iii i 11^,11 >i i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

dogmatn were changed English church stood bctwcen Protestant and Roman Catholic

•    Lord prayers in English



It tiK»k few ycar% to coriduct it (15.14    15 to) Church n propertie* worc conlUcateu

25) W hat wctc tłu* chandr) aflrr llriiry \ III Rflbrniłtion (during ne\t kiftg)?


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