
22.    Ernst Mach, Compendium der Physi$ fur Media ner (Vienna, 1863), p. 13.

23.    SOSt (La Sallc, III., 1960), p. 599.

24.    Stiilman Drakc, Discoteries and Opiniom of Galileo (New York, 1957), pp. 166-167.

25.    Ibid., p. 163.

26.    PW. p. 365.

27.    AOS, p. 29.

2$. E& l (Leipzig, 1917). p. 0.

29.    AOS, pp. 24 fic 27.

30.    Case, op. cit., p. 234.

31.    AOS, p. 24.

32.    Scc chapter 18.


1.    K. D. Heller, Ernst Mach: Wegbcreiter der modemen Physik (Vienna, 1964), p. 16.

2.    PWV (Leipzig, 1923), p. 428.

3.    Ibid.

4.    Heller, op. cit.

5.    PWV, p. 428.

6.    Heller, op. cit., pp. 16-17.

7.    Ibid., p. 17.

8.    Ibid.

9.    Ernst Mach to Johannes Purkyni, Praguc, June 14, 1867.

ia Wilhelm Jcrusalem, "Erinnerungcn an Ernst Mach," Neue Frae Presie, (Vicnna) no. 18309. Morgenblatt, March 2, 1916, p. 2, col. 3.

11.    G. P. Gooch, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Ccntury (Boston, *959). P- 397-

12.    Icrusalem, op. cit.

13.    Ludovica "Louise” Marussig was the daughter of a Graz financial official (Rcchnungrrai) and she probably first met Mach cithcr at the Kicnzl mansion in Graz, the Paradcishof. or at one of Mach's special lectures for women. The Marussig family was German speaking but had Italian conncctions. Sevcral Marussigs werc artists or tcachers of art at this timc (one in Graz and two in Italy). Mach’s mother also had artistic indinations and Mach’s son, Fdix, latcr bccamc a profcssional artist. According to Mach*s grandson, Ernst Anton Lcdcrcr, lyjuisc Marussig is supposcd to have bcen a happy bridc who gradually bccamc morę scrious through the ycars. In later lifc she was often in bad hcalth.

14.    Ordnung der Vorlesungcn an der K. K. Uniucrsiuit z u Prag . . . Personal-sland die/er Uniuenitat (Praguc, ycarly 1867-1895).

15.    Otto Bluh, "Ernst Mach," Tagesbote (Brunn), Fcb. 15, 1938.

16.    Ernst Mach, "Mach's Vorlcsungs-Apparatc," Carls Repertorium der Physik. (Munich), 4 (1868), 8-9.

17.    Ibid.

18.    Joachim Thiclc, "Ernst Mach: Bibliographie," Centaurus. 8 (1963), 200-


19.    Ernst Mach, Opuschckustischc Mer suche: Die spectrale und stroboikopische Untcrsuehurg tónendrr Kórper (Praguc, 1873); Rcitrage sur Doppler1 schen Theorie der fon- und Farbenandcrung durch Bcwcgung (Praguc, 1874): Grundlinien der Uhre von den Bewcgungiempfindungen (Leipzig, 1875).

20.    I am indebtcd to Dr. Strouhal. the son of Dr. Ćenek Strouhal for ihr M lowing Information on his father.

21.    Vaclav Scbcsta, "Strouhal jako, fys.k, uć.tcl a ciosek," Technieke Ust-(Brno), n.v. (April, 1950), 1.

2Z Irena Scidlcrosa, ‘Thysics," in Definy exaktmch ved v eei^ch zemuh (Prague, 1961), p. 381.

23.    1913 Auto., p. 9.

24.    Ćcnłk Dvo?£k to F.rnst Mach, Zagreb, Aug. 19, 1915.

25.    Scidlerov3, op. cit., p. 380.

26.    Ibid.

27.    Ibid., p. 381.

28.    Ibid., p. 380.

29.    Wilhelm Kicnzl, "Wilhelm KienzPs Erinncrungen an Prag/’ Deutsche Arbcit, 6 (1907/1908), p. 62.

30.    Wilhelm Kicnzl, Meine Lebenswanderung (Stuttgart, 1926), p. 279.

31.    Kienzl, op. cit., p. 62.

32.    AOS (New York, 1959), pp. 203-204.

33.    Paul Carus to Ernst Mach, March 12, 1915.

34.    CIcmcm Ncumann to Ernst Mach, March ri, 1868.

35.    Ordnung der Vorlcsungen an der K.K. Umverńtat zu Prag . . Personal-stand dieser Unirersilat (Praguc, 1875-1878).

36.    Thiclc, op. cit., pp. 204-207.


1.    Rudolf Kindingcr, cd., Philosopher.brieje jus wissenschaftlichen Korres-pondenz von Alerius Mrinong (Graz, 1965), p. 74.

2.    Christian von Ehrenfcls, "On Gestalt Qualities,'* Psychologio2/ Reiiew. 44 (1937). 521.

3.    Patrick J. Capreila, A History of Psychology (New York, 1967), p. 90.

4.    Ibid.

5.    Ibid., p. 91.

6.    Ibid.

7.    Floyd Ratliff, Mach Bands (San Francisco, 1965), p. 41.

8.    H. Haga and C. Wind, "Bcugung der R6ntgcnstrahlen.■, Wiedemanns Annalen. 68 (1899), 866.

9.    C. H. Wind, "Zur Dcmonstration cincr von E. Mach cntdccktcn opdschcn Tauschung,’" Physi/^alische Zeitschrift, 1 (1900), 112-113.

10.    S1F, 115 (1906), 633-648.

11.    RatlifT, op. cit., p. v.

12.    Alois Krcidl, "Ernst Mach." Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 28 (1016).

395 •    .

13.    Ernst Mach, Outlines of the Theory of the Motor Sensańons SLA lrans-lation Center, John Crcrar Library (Chicago, 1961), p. 2.

14.    Anton Lampa, Ernst Mach (Praguc, 1918), p. 19-

15.    PSL (La Sallc, III., 1943)• P- 272-

16.    Ibid., pp. 272, 287.

17- Sce J. Ackerct, "Ernst Mach zum sosicn Todcstag," Schunacnscke Bou-zeitung, 84 (1966), 140-141, for an iutcrcsling story of an unintcndc\l duplica tion of Mach's work half a ccntury latcr.

18. PSL, p. 290.


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