
textbook$ scc Otto Bliih, "Ernst Mach as Tcachcr and Thinker," Physia Today. 20 (June, 1967), 34.

39. Albert Einstein, "Ernst Mach," Physt^altschc Zcilschrtjt. 17 (1916), 102.


1.    Die Deutsche Karl-Ferdinonds Unwersitdt in Prag (Praguc, 1899), pp. 40-41.

2.    Viktor Niesiołowski to Ludwig Mach, Vicnna-Módling, Fch. 14, 1941.

3.    Ernst Mach, document dated 1894, now in the possession of the Ernst-Mach-Institut.

4.    Ordnung der Vorlcsungcn an der Vnifersitat su Prag . . . und PersonaI stand dieser Uniirrsitiit (Praguc, ycarly from 1886-1893).

5.    Ernst Mach, op. cit.

6.    Ibid.

7.    Ibid.

8.    Georg Pick to Ernst Mach, Praguc, July 15, 1895.

9.    This letter was found among Mach’s papers, hcncc, was probably ciihcr a copy or was not sent.

10.    Eduard Krischck to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, Jan. 14, 1893.

11.    Erna Lesky, Dic Wiener medizinische Schnie in tę Jahrhundcrt (Graz and Cologne, 1965), p. 530.

12.    Gustav Tschcrmak 10 Ernst Mach, Vicnna, March 2 and 20, 1893.

13.    Ernst Mach, op. cit.

14.    W. Voigt, "Ludwig Boltzmann," Physihjslischc Zcitschrijt, 7 (1906), 650.

15.    Gustav Jaumann to Ernst Mach, Salzburg, July 21, 1894.

16.    Ludwig Mach to Ernst Mach, Pr3guc, March 15, 1894.

17.    Heinrich Mach, Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Abietinsdurc. II Abhandlung (Gottingen, 1894)^. u.

18.    A privatc communication from Frau Anna Karma Mach. tg. 1913 auto., p. 12.

20.    Ernst Mach to Joseph Petzoldt, Vatcrsicttcn, Aug. 19, 1914.

21.    Josef Maycrhófcr, "Ernst Machs Bcrufung an dic Wiener Univcrsitat 1895," Clio Medica, 2 (1967), 47.

22.    Josef Poppcr-Lynkcus to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, May 3, 1895.

23.    Maycrhófcr, op. cit.

24.    PSL (La Sallc, 111., 1943). PP- 236-255.

25.    "Ernst Mach," Ncue Frcie Presse (Vicnna), no. 18500, Fcb. 22, 1916, p. 3, col. 2.

26.    Alois Hóflcr to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, Jan. 24, 1895.

27.    Heinrich Gompcrz, “Ernst Mach," Archiv fur Ceschichte der Philosophie, 29 (1916), 325-326.

28.    Gustav Tschcrmak to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, Oct. 11, 1894.

29.    Ibid.. Nov. 2, 1894.

30.    Maycrhófcr, op. cit., p 48.

31.    Theodor Gornperz to Ernst Mach, Yicnna, Nov. 27, 1894.

32.    Heinrich Gornperz. op. cit., p. 326.

33.    Maycrhófcr, op. cit., p. 51.

34.    Josef Maycrhófcr, "Ernst Mach as a Profcssor of dic History of Science,'* Proccedings 0/ the Trnth International Congress of History of Science, VoI. I (Paris, 1964). p. 338.

35.    Theodor Gompcrz to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, Jan. 26, 1895.

36.    Wilhelm voo Hartcl to Ernst Mach, Vicnna, Jan. 26, 1895. I am indebted to Josef Maycrhófcr for determining the authorship of this letter and of the following letters by Von Hartcl.

37.    Maycrhófcr, “Ernst Mach; Berufung an dic Wiener Univcrtitit 1895,” PP- 52-53-

38.    Ernst Mach to Paul Carus, Praguc, May 15, 1895.

39.    Die Feierliche Inauguration des Rectors der Wiener Uaiecrńtót fur dos Studienjahr rflęs/t/i (Vicnna, 1895), pp. 14-15.

40.    D. J. Bach, "Ernst Mach," Frankjurtcr Zeitung. crstes Morgcnblatt, Feb. 18, 1908, p. r. col. 1-2.

41.    Hermann Bahr, Dilderbueh (Vicnna, 1921), p. 37.

42.    W. Fred, "Ernst Mach," Die A\Uon, 6 (1916), cols. 431-432.

43.    PSL, pp. 259-281.

44.    Viktor Niesiołowski, "Erinnerung an Ernst Mach," an unpublóhcd article intended to commcmoratc the twcnty-fifth anniversary of Mach’s dcath (1941). The manuscript is now in the Ernst-Mach-Institut.

45.    Ibid.

46.    PSL. pp. 282-337.

47.    Verein zur Vcrbrcitung naturwisscnschaftlichcr Kenntnisse in Wien.

48.    Joachim Thiclc, "Ernst Mach: Bibliogrźphie," Centaunu, 8 (1063), 2:2 and 222.

49.    J. E. Trcvor, Journal of Phyńcal Chemistry, I (1897), 431.

50.    Ludwig Boltzmann, Populdre Schriften (Lcipzig, 1925), pp. 141-157.

5T. T.isc Mcitner, "Looking BackBulletin of the Atomie Sciences. 20 (Nor. 1964), 2-7.

52.    Anton Lampa, Frnst Mach (Praguc, 1018). pp. 60-64.

53.    Wilhelm Jcrusalcm, Gedanken and Den\er: Neue Folgę. (Vienna, 192O.

54.    Wilhelm Jcralusalcm, "Ernst Mach," Die ZuĄunft, Q5 (iqi6). 3:7

55.    Wilhelm Jcrusalcm, "Erinncrungen an F.rnst Mach." Neue Ftete Pre:<.-(Vicnna), No. 1P509, Morgcnblatt, March 2. 1916, p. 3. col. 2

56.    Jcrusalcm. und Den ker. pp. 25 and 30.

57.    Ibid., p. 28.

58.    Heinrich Gompcrz, "Autobiographical Rcmarks." The Personalni •; (1943). 266-267.

59.    Ibid., p. 264.

60.    Profcssor H Fcigl to John Błackmore, Minncapolis. March 31. IQ«>Q.

6r. Gompcrz, op. cit.. p. 258.

62.    I.csky, op. cit., pp. 340-341.    _    ,

63.    Austrian National Library, Vicnna, Handschnft Abtcilung, doc. .S7M00.

64.    Documrnt in the possession of Dr. F.rnst Anton l.cdercr.

65.    AOS (New York, 1059). PP- i74~*75-    .    „..a no

66.    Jcrusalcm, "Erinncrungen an Ernst Mach." Neue Fretr 'e<<e 18.509, Morgcnblatt, March 2, 1916. p. 3. col. 3. an<l P 4. co'- 1

67.    Thiclc. op. cit., pp. 212-213.


1 Sinnliche F leni en te (Leipzig. iotoV r *ł

2. Ernst Mach to Philip lourilain, Vicnna, Ma' «j. «0i-

3 IOS (New York, 1959). p 47


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