
25.    Nicola Abbagnano, "Positwism," The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. VI (New York, 1967), p. 223.

26.    Ludwig Wittgenstein, Traciatus LogicoPhilosophicus, (London, 1958), p. 189.

27.    Bertrand Russell, My Philosophical Deuelopmenl (London, 1959), pp. 116-117.

28.    Gershon Weiler, "Ludwig Wittgenstein," The Encyclopedia oj Philosophy, Vol. V (New York, 1967), p. 223.

29.    Heller, op. cit., p. 81.

30.    Ibid.

31.    Von Hayek, op. cit., p. 43.

32.    A documcnt in the possession of Dr. Ernst Anton Lederer.

33.    Friedrich Adler, "Ernst Maehs tlberwindung des mcchanischen Matcrial-ismus," Die Nctie Zeit. 35 (1916), iii.

34.    Adler, Ernst Maehs Oberwindung des mechanitchcn Materialismus, p. 137.

35.    Sol Liptzin, Arthur Sehnitzlcr (New York, 1932), p. 4.

36.    Private communication from Frau Anna Karma Mach (1967).

37.    Joachim Thielc, "Zur Wirkungsgcschichte der Mediodenlchre Ernst Maehs," Symposium (Freiburg im Brcisgau, 1967), p. 87.

38.    Hermann BaJbr, Bilderbuch (Vicnna, 1921), p. 38.

39.    Thielc, op. cit., p. 87.

40.    Hans Sicgbcrt Reiss, "Robert Musi!," Eneyelopaedia Britannica, Vol. XVI (Chicago, 1963). p. 22B.

41.    Wilfried Bcrghahn, Robert Mutil (Hamburg, 1967), p. 55.

42.    Ibid., p. 56.

43.    Bruno Altmann, "Die Ziirchcr Machkolonic: Zur Vorgcschichte der Rclauvitatsthcoric," Allgerr.eine Zdtung (Munich), Dcc. 3, 1922, p. 2, col. 1-2.

44 Ibid., p. 2, cols. 3-4.

45.    Rudolf Holzapfcl. Panideal: Psychologie der sozialcn Gefiihle (Lcipzig, 1901); Rudolf Lacmmcl, Die Reformation der nalionalen Erziehung (Ziirich, 1910).

46.    Friedrich Hemcck, Bahnbreeher les Atomzeitalters (Berlin, 1966), p. 236.

47.    A bicgraphical documcnt located in die Tcchnical Univcrsity of Berlin Archive.

48.    Joseph Pctzoldt 10 Ernst Mach, Bcrlin-Spandau, May 8, 1904.

49.    Hugo Dinglcr to Ernst Mach, March 23, 1912.

50.    SOM (La Sallc, III., 1960), p. xxviii.

51.    Alf Nyman, "Hugo Dinglcr: Die Exhaustions Methode und das Prinzip der Einfachsdicit," lingo Dinglcr GederĄbnch zum 75 Geburtstag (Munich, >956). pp. 170-171.

52.    Ernst Mach to Ernst Hacckcl, Vicnna, Od. 5, 1905.

53.    Benno F.rdmann, Ober den Modernen Monismus (Berlin, 1914), p. 31.

54.    Wilhelm Ostwald to Ernst Mach, Grossbothcn, Fcb. 24, March 10 and 13, 1912.

55.    F.rnst Mach to Wilhelm Ostwald, V;cnna, Nov. 26, 1912.

56.    E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematies (New York, 1962), p. 527.

57.    G. J. Whitrow, “Albert Einstein," The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, II (New York, 1967). 469.

58.    Henri Poincarl, Science and Method (New York, 1958), pp. 15-24.

59.    Peter A!cxander, ••'Hic Philosophy of Science, 1850-1910," A Critieal His• tory oj Weilem Philosophy, D. J. 0'Conncr, cd (London, 1964), p 414

Go. SOM. p. 306.

61.    Alcxandcr, op. cit., p. 416.

62.    Poincarć, op. cit., p. 22.

63.    Picrrc Duhcm, The /lin, and Struciure o\ Physical Th córy, tsms. Philip P Wiener (New York. 1062), p. 307.

64.    Ibid., p. 43.

65.    Ibid., pp. 42-43.

66.    Ibid., pp. 21-23, 39, 53-54, 268. 317, and 327.

67.    Ibid., p. 21.

68.    Pierre Duhcm to Ernst Mach, Aug. 10, 1909.

69.    Duhcm, op. cit., p. 285.

70.    Ibid., p. 273.

71.    Hcnri Bergson to Ernst Mach, ScpL 3, 1909; Ernst Mach to Paul Cams, Vicnna, Jan. 27, 1911.

72.    Gian N. G. Orsini, Uenedetto Crocc (Carbondalc, 11!., 1961), pp. 18-19.

73.    Russell, My Philosophical Deoelopment. p. 36.

74.    Ibid., p. 39.

75.    Bertrand Russell, "On the Naturę of Acąuaintance," The Moniu. 24, (1914),p 162.

76.    Ibid.

77.    Ibid., p. 187.

78.    Russell, My Philosophical Dcrclopmcnt, p. 134.

79.    Bertrand Russell, "Rcply to Criticisms,** in The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, cd. Paul Arthur Srhilpp (Chicago, 1944). p. 704

80.    Russell, My Philosophical Deoelopment. p. 139.

81.    Bertrand Russell, An Outline oj Philosophy (London, 1927). p. 303-

82.    Russell, My Philosophical Deoelopment. p. 114.

83.    Ibid., p. 117.

84.    Ibid., p. 118.

85.    Bertrand Russell, "Rcply to Criticisms." p. 702.

86. Edwin G. Boring, A Hi story of Erperimcntal Psychology (New York,

1057). P- 4*3-

87.    Ibid., p. 420.

88.    Ibid., p. 417.

89.    Ibid., p. 419.

90.    Syed Zafarul Mason, Realisto (Cambridge, 1928), p. 69

91.    The six writers were, besides Pcrry and Holt, William Pcppcrcll Montague, W. T. Marvin, W. B. Pitkin, and F.. G. Spaulding. In addition to .ippcaring in the Journal of Philosophy the manifesto was also reprinted in the groups co! Icctivcly written book: The Neto Realism (1912).

92.    Frcderick Coppleston, A History of Philosophy, Vol. VIII. part York, 1967), p. 149.

93.    For a elear analysis of the difTerenccs between presentalwnahtt and rep^e

tentationalist cpistemologics sec Syed Zafarul H.isan’s Real im- .....

94.    Sec Herbert Fcigl, "The Origin and Spirit of Logical Posimum, ’ The

legacy of Logical Positioism, Peter Achinstcin and Stephen F. Parker, ev (Baltimore, 1969), pp. 3-24.    ..

05. Karl Poppcr lns rcputedly bccotnc interested in reprcscntaiion.iiid vp"-trtnology, but one may argtie that be was not "rcnlly" •> incróbcr of t e Circlc," in spite of Carnap’s opinion to the contrary.



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