IMG 00

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51.    Thicle, op. cit., p. 222.

52.    Grille, op. cit., p. 250.

53.    Fischer, op. cit., pp. 67 and 492.

54.    Robert Payne, The Life and Death of Lenin (New York, 1964), p. 230.

55.    Fischer, op. cit., p. 493.

56.    Grille, op. cit., p. 119.

57.    Payne, op cit., 230.


1.    Philipp Frank, F.instein: His IJje and Times (New York, 1947), p. 13.

2.    Fredcrick Coplcston, A History o) Philosophy, Vol. VII, part 2 (New York, 1965), pp. 126-127.

3.    Frank, op. cit., p. 13.

4.    Barbara Lovctt Clinc, The Questioners (New York, 1965), pp. 77-78.

5.    Friedrich Hcrncck, Albert Einstein (Ecrlin, 1967), p. «$.

6.    Frank, op. cit., p. 20.

7.    Gcrald Holton, “Mach, F.instein, and the Scarch for Rcality," Daedalus, 97 (1968). 640.

8.    Albert F.instein, Einstein: Essays in Science (New York, 1934), p. 15.

9.    Cornelius Lanczos, Albert Einstein and the Cosmic World Order (New York, 1965), p. 14.

10.    Albert Einstein, Out oj My lister Years (New York, 1950), p. 63.

11.    Holton, op. cit., pp. 636-637.

12.    Albert Einstein, "Autobiographical Notes," in Albert Einstein: Philo-sopher-Scientist. Vol. I, Paul Arthur Schilpp, cd. (New York, 1959), p. 53.

13.    G. J. Whitrow, “Albert Einstein." The Encyclopedia oj Philosophy, Vol. II (New York. 1967), pp. 470-471.

14.    Holton, op. cit., p. 641.

15.    Max Planck, A Surt/ey oj Physical Theory (New York, 1960), p. 85.

16.    Paul Volkmann, "Studicn iiber Ernst Mach vom Standpunkt eines theorctischcn Physikcrs der Gcgcnwart," Annalen der PhysiĄ, 4 (1924), 309.

17.    Joseph Pct/.oldt, "Dic Rclamitatsthcorie der Physik,” Zeitschrijt fur positiidstische Phtlosophie, 2 (1914), 3.

18.    Anton Lampa to Ernst Mach, Pragnę, May 1, 1910.

19.    Philipp Frank, Ketween Physics and Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass., 1941), p. 38.

20.    Laszlo Tisza, “Philipp Frank and Physics," Philipp Franią 1884-1966 (printed as a pamphlct by Harvard Univcrsity, 1966), p. 8.

21.    Frank, Einstein: His Uje and Times. p. 75.

32. Ibid., pp. 78 79.

23.    Friedrich Herncck, "Dic Bcziehungcn zwischcn Einstein und Mach, dokumentarisch dargcstcllt," Naturwissenschajtliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Unwersitat Jena, 15 (1966), 6.

24.    COE (Chicago. 1911), p. 95.

25.    In brief, Machian relatiuiły meant the funetional dcpcndcncy of all cen sations. Physical relatioity meant the cquivalcncc of all physical Systems (i.e., norie privilcged). EinsteinV physical relaticity meant the cquivalcnce of all physical Systems with respect to the eon.stant vclocity of liglu in a vacuum.

26.    Hcrncck, op. cit., p. 6.


27. Ernst Lccher, "Hofrat Professor Dr. F.rnst Mach," Neue Freie Presie (Vienna), no. 16313, Morgcnblatt, Jan. 21. 1910. p. 8, col*. 1-2.

28 Hcrncck, op. cit.. p. 7.

29.    Sinnliche Elemente (Lcipzig, 1919), p. 20.

30. (Leipzig, 1919), p. 15.

31.    Hcrncck, op. cit., p. 7,

32.    Frank, Einstein: His IJfe and Times. pp. 104-105. Einstein ai first be-lievcd that hc had successfully persuaded Mach to accept the indispensable utility of the atomie theory, at lcast on a conditional basis. Later, Einstein changcd his mind 3nd realized that he had failcd. Mach's “agreement" had been based on a conditional assumprion which in fact Mach rejected. Aceording to Philipp Frank, Mach answered Einstein: "If with the help of the atomie hypothesis one eoułd actually estahlish a connection bcetween sescral ofcsenable propertics which without it would rcmain isolatcd, then I shoald say that the hypothesis was an ‘cconomical’ one. . .

33.    Albert Einstein. “Ernst Mach,” Pb.ysikolische Zeilschnft. 17 (1916), 101-104.

34.    Frank, op. cit.. p. 98-99.

35.    Whitrow, op. cit.. p. 470.

36.    James W. Fclt, "Mach’s Principlc Revisitcd,” Ural Theologiąue et Phtlo-sophiąnc, 20 (1964), 44-

37.    Hcrncck, op. cit., p. 9.

38.    Ibid., p. 8.

39.    Fclt, op. cit., p. 44.

40.    Albert Einstein, “Friedrich Adler ais Physikcr," Vossisckc Zeitung (Ber-lin), Morgcnblatt, May 23, 1917, p. 2.

41.    Hans Reirhenbach. “Der gegenwartige Stand der Relativititsdiskussion: kritischc Untcrsuchung," Ugos. to (1921/1922), 340-341-

4:. Holton, op. cit., p. 657.

43.    Ibid., pp. 660-661.

44.    Ibid., p. 646.

45.    POPO (New York, 1953), PP- vii-viii. Professor Gerald Holton his re-translatcd Mach’s prefacc and it is his that 1 haye uscd (see Holton, op. cit.. p. 647).

46.    Holton, op. cit.. p. 647.

47.    Ibid., p. 656.

48.    Einstein, Out of My Lolcr Ycors, p. 73.

40. Holton, op. cit., p. 660.    %    .    .

50. Albert Einstein, “Rcply to Criticisms." in Albert Einstein Phlosop .cr Scientist, Vol. II, Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed. (New York, 1950), p- 669.


r. Carl ton B. Weinberg, Mach‘s Empirio-Pragmatism in Phyńcd Scicr.ce (New York, 1037), PP- 104-110.

2. S & C, (La Sallc, 111., 1960), p. 135    I000>

3 Kurt Ccissler to Ernst Mach. Ebikon be. l.urern. March S and lunę u*

4- Cenłk IKofak to Ernst Mach. Zagreb. Dcc. 28, 1888; SOU (La Sallc. 111. 1960), pp. 589-591.



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