IMG 19

IMG 19



Hahn, liii (Continued)

wite ot Hani Hahn): remembers many fascinating stories about Boltzinann, 347

Hajck, Franz (Machs iaboratory cquip-ment maker in Prague): suggested and built Mach's \vavc machinę, 4:; apart-ment Windows broken during Czech riot, 75; accuscd of drunkenness, 145: conflict with Georg Fick, 146; men-tioncd, 41, 52, 106, 147 Hallucinaiions: Mach faicinatcd by, 56: different from sensations?, 56; possible influence of Mach*s work on Freud, 6$ Haptic spacc. See Spacc, haptic Harbordt, Ferdinand: reworked one of Mach’* tcxtbooks, 140 Hormony, Hclrnholtz’* theory of: Mach rejcctcd it, 57

Hartę), Wilhelm von (Yicnna professor and Austrian Minister of Education): played instrumental role in Machs return to Vienna, 152-153 Hasan, Syed Zafarul (Indian philoso-pher): madę a basie epistemological distinction between “presendst" and “representist" philosophy vcry similar to the one madę in this book, 345 Hasenóhrl, Friedrich (Vicnna physicitt, successor of Bolizmann): student of Boltzmann, 222: gave an opinion on Gerbcr's work for Mach, 263 Hauffen. Adolf: Prague ami-Semiie, 83 Hayek, Friedrich A. von (cconomist-philosophcr and friend of Karl Pop-per): wroic unpublifhcd biography of his family relative Ludwig Wittgen-itcin, 185; described Mach's influence in Vienna after World War I, 301; mcntioned, 170, 186

Heard, Gerald: turncd to Oriental reli-gion, 290

Hearn, Lafcadio: attracted to Buddhism, 290

Hcat: Mach criticizei the tncchanical theory of. 42, 88; Mach rcjccts heat 3% rnotion, 86; Mach opposcd the notion that physiea! heat could be the cauie of the fecling of heat, 137; Mach de-nied the adequacy of mechanical model* as a mcans of understanding heat, 178. Set a!to I.ntropy law; Thermody-namics

Hegel, Georg: mrntioncd, 165, 198, 232, 347. 3*5

Hegcler, Edward C.; (German-Amcncan

industrialist and founder of the Open Court Publishing Company): wanted to publish Mach’* worki in America, z28; Mach apprcciative of his efforts, lag

Heisenberg, Werner (German quantum physicist and philosopher): helped found the Copenhagen interpretation of ąuantum theory, 313-3x5: denied Machs influence on him, 315; men-tioncd, tai, 311, 318 Heller, K. D. (Mach biographer, livcd in Prague and Israel): reminisccnccs of Prague, 38; mcntioned, viii Heim, Georg (encrgcticist ally ot Wilhelm Ostwald): signed positivist tnani-festo, 190; argucd for energcticism at Lubeck, 205; mcntioned, 117, 210 Hclmholtz, Hermann von (leading German physiologist and physicist during the middlc and latcr part of the tęth century):

—His lifc: background, 56; friend of Bruckc, 146; shifted attention to phys-ics, 30; may have opposcd Wundt's transfer to Berlin, 228; dcath, 147 —Scicntific work: work on tonc pcrccp-tions, 23; acoustic theory of the laby-tinth, 53; conscrvation of energy, 84; threc color theory, 57-59: theory of unconscious infcrcncc, 52, 57-58; theory of multidimcnsional geometry for pcople living in a pcculiar kind of ipacc, 261

—Influence on Mach: interested him in psychology and physiology, 15: cn-couraged him to lecture on Hclmholt/.'s acousdcal discoserics, 15 —Phdosophical idcas: opposcd vitalism, supported a semireprescntationalism, 57; highpoint of philosophical influence, 57; supported atomie theory, 89 —Mach's opposition: to his theories of tonc perception, audition, labyrinth function, harmony, consonance, threc color theory, and unconscious infcrcnce, 56-58

-Mcntioned, 158, 248. 302 Herbart, lohann Friedrich (German phi-lojophcr and cducator): Mach read his svorki, 26; influcnccd Mach with rc-spect 10 psychology, usc of mathemat-ics, mathcmatical functions, non-Eudid-can geometry, and the importance of self-pr«crvation, 37; mcntioned. 138, *5*

Hcring, Ewald (Prague physiologist and opponent of Helmholtz):

—Life: background, 59; tcok over Pur-kinjc's chair in Prague, 60; vUitcd by William James, 76; first rcctor of German Univcrsity, 77; prorcctor of German University, 70: opponent of anti-Scmitism, 83; return to Vienna blocked by Bruckc, 146 —Scicntific work: acccpted Mullers theory of spccific ncrve energie*, 55; in-terested in Mach's color theory, 58; dcvclopcd his nativistic theory of spacc and threc pair color theory, 59; Iccturcd on "unconscious mcmory," 60 —Influence on Mach; acccpted Hcring*s idea* on Natmsm, color theory, and unconscious mcmory, 60 Hcrocck, Friedrich: dcscribcd Mach’s role in the Vicnna physics of the i86o‘s, 334: publishcd most of Mach’s 1913 autobiographical manuscript, 335-356; publishcd Emstcin’s correspondence with

Mach, 347. 348. 350. 352, 353 Herrmann, Emmanucl (Austrian ccono-rnisl and invcntor of the posteard): becamc acquainted with Mach in Graz, 25; influcnccd the developmrnt of Machs theory of cconomy, 25, a8 Hertz, Heinrich (German physicist who discovcrcd radio wavcs):

—Life: luckground, 119; student of Helmholtz, 119; dcath, 147 —Theory of mechanics: spacc, tine, and mass, tao; attempted to climinate force from physics, 120; influcnccd by Mach, 117, 119; influcnccd by Kant, 221: distinguished betwccn what wcrc soon callcd "classical'’ and “modern" physics, 119

—Influence on Mach: ma> have suggested Mach's "intermediate purposc of science," 169

—Mach's oppusition: to notion of "hid-den motion," 31, 120 —Mcntioned, 186, !99. 248 Hevcsy, Georg son: corrcsponJcd with Mach, friend of Bohr, 314 Hiebert, Erwin: dcscribcd I.iibcck debatę aftcrmatli, 205; dcscribcd Mach'* influence on Planck, 218; dcscril>ed IManck's slowness to accept atomie theory and pliotons, aao Hilberf, I)avid: signctl positisist mani-festo, 190

Hillebrand, Fiunz: mcntioned, 150

History of science. See Mach, Erna —histotian of science HjSffding, Harold (Danish historian of philosophy): positivut, friend of Nieb Bohr, 314; mcntioned, tćo Hofler, Alois (Austrian philosopher and educator): Mach rccommended him for co-editorship of an cducational jounul, i?9; student of Brentano, 139; con-tinucd Machs lecture on causcs, 150; dcscribcd Bo!tznunn's :uffering during his last monthi, 212

Hofsmannsthal, Hugo von: playwright. under Mach, 187-188 Ilolism (Gcstalt): Mach’» early work. 47 Holism (social): Nieb Bohr’$ philosophy, 3x5; mcntioned, 233 Holt, Edwin Bisscll: a New Realia, influcnccd by Mach, 202 Holton, Gerald: dcscribcd Marh\ influence on Einstein, 250; retranslated Mach*s anti-Einstein prcface to his Op-tia. 351; mentinned, 256 Holzapfcl, Rudolf (Zurich wr.ter): fol-lowcr of Avmarius, Mach wrotc a pref-ace for onr nf his books. 189-190 Honigswald, Richard: fint critic to con-nect Mach’s philosophy with Buddhism, 293

Humc, David: vicws dose to Mach, t6b. 323; unread by Mach unńl the i88o’s, 27: in idealist tradition, 127; his foł-lowers often positiv:sts, 165; approach refuted by discostry of imagdess thoijghts?, 231; mcntioned, xi, 35, 124, 171. 201, 288, 296, 309 Husscrl, Edmund (philosopher. founder of "phenomcnology"): wanted to make foundation of science certain. iq:; student of Brentano, 62, 158: influcnccd by Schuppr, 122; interior in ability to Brentano, 161; criticizcd Machs "psychologiim," X74“*76; engaged in controversy with Wilhelm Jcrusalcm. 160; Mach had litde usc for his "in-tuition," 176; had morc influence among German philosophers than Macb, 175-176: mcntioned. x. 62 Huxley, Aldous: tumed to Oricntal reh-gion, 290

Huyghens, Christian: work on acouioc wavcs, tti; mcntioacd. 221 Hypotia: murdered fcmalc philosopher.

H^theses: Newton* uodenonding: *i.

92. 96: Mich** opposition to «»«».


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