


informa! I*tter

0»uu» łh«* quo«KWt*

1 h hm do you writr Ulrr''

i Who4»tbu««ntrh>’

1 WMdołOuwn^^1''

RrJd llw Wlff *<* jn"* lh< qo«Jionv


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Part. o' a ,e,er

• /. in th(*

r^Tvr/«^jm    ■*Youn ,j"h,u,,v

n-j, urp*iMriPige    *>    Your\ wneerdy

j OrtloMlJr*    <

5 *^o*«i*^^n**,~,in*'would

. £9-1-

,4 ,*U-cA

- *ao/.'

' ~ '~V

ParłS    , < ,„ thf Icllrr lo dcKriptiooi

b oęC****'"*

i £5^into"nj,,on

f <to«njtSlff<,r'nS

I (Ute

4 u*J, tf* opcm, P«*-np ''^'h «»•<

•> Yowrs laiihfully Your\ Mncereiy c Best \\isł»«-s

vou u«- v*nh

. jłr*fld’


, j siunfer nłw namc you k°ow?

Writing your letter

6 wnte a ffpłv »o I*'* Ute ,hc notr' t*low lo Mp »ou

fdl jor hr cjn /an t May wiih you ll lir r m i stay. wy ^ rot

Tett jor włwf pt> he on get and how hc    find one.

Ot«k your letter Make Mirr:

•    youraddreu and Ihe dale a/e in lh ireci place.

•    ihe opening and rloting grcelmgs rreel.

•    your Jpdfinf, puncfualion, gramm .d linkmg mrdf jrc eorreet


° ,0 / don'1 to

t***    ... ,hc sentcntei with havt / hot to nr dont t

1 C0*%‘t hatfto-

**^il    corne lo thc shop* w.ili m.- ,| youYe




wolty She\ ko» Om; job we--help w>th thc



go <o thc

4    Mipc,nU,kcłr 'NO ,lłrv 'v<,nl ,hł* ,n0M,inK

________hc-- do lo gct mto ihc

5    yhoonwm?

* WC

,n tmuWc

finrvłi our projcct by Fńday or we II bc

5f / r

' um* Jl Ihe P‘<,urcv Compłetc Ihc scnlonccs wilh nwu ot 1 Iwstnt

You-- usc your mobile


2 You-pul liiicr in Ihc


3 You —    cal or drink in Ihe


•i You .    - walk on the Rrass

don't hflv« lo / muotn'1

3 Compictc ihc tcxt with don i hnvr to ot mułln'1.

You hj*e lo vctvc the cusiomets bul you * .AfHt tri.sk ihc tood. You baw U> \ Wari Ihc Libie*, bul wo

’__ w,i\li ihc thsho ysmeiutir-. tuuomct. ar*

tlilhtull, bul you '_- -- lx rutJe Custamm usudMy

g.se wjitcrs a lip. bul lliey .    ---- R»»e v»u «me li \

Ihcir thokc

Mon ol Ihc timrr wc jrc vcry busy. so you mus* woA 'ant

You •__talk lo thc other waiters you tan do

lh.il diler wotV 1 uully. wc tłasc Ute. dl imdftiRhl. .md sou ‘-Ic.rte edily'

should / ihouldnl

4 Complctc Ihe scntenccs with ihould or ihouldn‘t.

1    You_____    _ woirry dboui your rums You wor<

sery h.ird

2    Wc_anive dl Ihc party on tUWc li s cud*-

lo bc Ute.

Y Hc_cieKise morę nttrn. He Iws lo kr*


4 You_<jnv*> v» Ijsi*. tt's Oangrauv

rj she loscs compulers Sbe-appto lor d iob

m computing



5 (omplclc thc scnlences with the correct 1orm ol these


• .tpj.lv lor • Ret • RO lor • tcave • take

1    Paul_his |ob diler one w cek, He hated

woriing in d post ołfttt

2    kdtc ts delighied. She_a |ob oller Hns


3    Mark h.id to_a loi ol )obs bclorc hc roi an


4    l hdsc to__an inlrrview this morning l

rant be laic'

5    l didnt_Ihc tob The pav waśn i »ood


You ----svash your hands

l)r lun ;.m p.iririR lood

l.ikc a \howcr 'H >n Ihe pool

Mjcc.tivcs and prtposiiions

6 (orred the nnstakes in thc scntcnces.

1    Sustc was worncd at l»cr wam

2    kąty is mterested aboul ait

3    |oc's parcius .uc ptoud .u him Hc YN-oń Ihe 13 km race. •i (h.rrlie is upset ol misyng your party

S lorn is górki on woodwork. Hc madę .t lovelv chan


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