Cambrr C uhii. mi%kt k4 irunr IXrvm ninw,
<Kiukl Kaw bim cuntmt Whrn lnw» c\ii rrtjęn thmrtmnd lidr%trnv thr KmcJian oł Gwvr*\id. C jmht Kad kxi th** mcrrWul rrvt4l apinsi him ind Kid Itund Ihc Lt%l hnr o4 thr hunun tu rraiior him Wrth thr cnmnmn C inhil. C inwr^i mxi %huuki Kaw bwn ih«r
But nuH ArarOa. wtrr ci thr dtvd Inw. wa* płuthoł; V% ar agatnsi linhaJ Only Cambrr cuuld thwari hcr imI %pr&. Onh' (imbrr auld nade (inhtl k>
unitę hurrun and Orryna nmr%
Onhtł. hnwiw mm tn no mocni to hi^rd Cambrr*
I idvtar Hr waa Kttrr and iru>’ with Cimhrr for luving snakhrO him (nm his nnntk al and thnnf him infc> thr* %tnj)Q(k’ kr potorr.
Ihm* n>m\l no hupr fur C^ndd unkw Cambrr cuutd md thr rv%mtmmt of thr Ktnc afęaan*! him And thr unlv wsy to acvx*rtpśa%h mat m m hr C amtn*r v4 C ukii to dar*