Nina and hor husband Guya In Iholrsitling room.
class and bacfc. ‘I likc co save my energy,' shc says. Shc arrives at che chcairc at aboui five o*dock in che ewning. The performance staro at scvcn chiny.
Dancing b sery cirinf and some baUcrinas loae three kilos during a performance. Nina is always vcry chirscy afeer a performance, i drink and drink: water, cen, lemonade, anything. Uaually I can'c slecp umil threc or four oclock in che moming.’
Bolshoi dancers cjm guitc a loc of mones and (herc are ocher rewards. Girls stand in shopping gucues co buy food for her. ‘Men jusc lcavc flowers oueside my Hat and chcn run away!' says Nina, and laughs.
Before you read
Look at th« title of the reading tcxt. What sort of things do you want to know about a ballerina'8 life?
READING Read the text and say whlch paragraph
is about:
- Nina's moming rornine (paragraph 2)
- who Nina b and where she lives
- Nina'a routine on performance days
- the rewards ofbeing a ballerina
- what Nina does after a performance
Use the cues below to wrłte some of the intervł«%ver's questions. Then roleplay an Intenrlew wlth Nina In pałrs.
What/do/ln the moming?
What/do/on performance days? What/do/after the performance?
Start your roleplay Uke thls:
you: Nina. you're a prima ballerina at the Bolshoi Ballet. nina: Yea, thafs right. you: Where do you live in Moscow?
4 Tell the ciass three facts In the text whlch you think are Interesting.
Usten and complete the Ust of furniture there is ln Nina and Guya's fiat in Moscow.
Sltting room asoh a table an... a big... a video recorder a...
Kltchen a table fwochałrs a... a...