

Musclc-Contraction Headache

■action headache may deveIop from forward flcxion of the hcad duri itr activitics ofdaily lifc. The example providcd has been showr, ?.s

A muscle-contr. excesa stress d u ring ha w a high ratę of success.

The Kinesio Taping Mcthod will assist with rcduction in muscle tension.



Two strips are appUed approximately 45 decnJl' ab°ve ei

Begin strip one slifh^..    ^    .

of the eyebrow. Place ,era^ to fh~    ^ al

in the region of the hail i* hand    a

skin located above the APplyLy °ver hail linę.    ** eye,y ^«on ej

Lay down the    dlr^etj0ri e I

°fova„abl!.S.“P.«lh Vf    °f 1"a


tension (0-15% of avai|SlkirStTiP vvitk


of the%ebrowVpi^f^tiy}aterai to th m the region of the haij hąnd    as*

skin located above m 1 e> APPlv7 y °ver * ha^ine. |t **

ten^nms^,'GfKineSi°I    w-th ^4

OVement. i


SPmous process of ||I§§§£1 S«P over I posihon, || no

»<. 11 I

better in ihis region | gjglg |

Have the patient move Lnto neck flexion. Apply the medial taił along the spinous process, with very light tension (0-15% of available tension) , from T 3-5 to C 5-6. Then begin to angle the taił towards the masotid process.

If the patients hair linę is Iow, be careful not to apply the Kinesio Y strip taił onto the hair. This may cause an increase in symptoms. If possible, clip the hair in this region..

lnitiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.

Have the patient move into neck flexion with łateral rotation to the opposite side. Place the lateral taił to angle towards the mastoid process.

lnitiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.

This technique is repeated to provide relief on both sides of the neck.



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