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Optional X Tcchnigue: Begin by mcasuring a length of 2" wide Kineiso Tape from approximately the greatcr trochanter, accross lumbar region, and ending at the posterior inferior angle of the ribs.
Place the base of the Kinesio I strip inferior to the greater trochanter with no tension.. Have the patient move into lateral flexion to the opposite side. Apply the Kinesio I strip, with 25 to 50% available tension, over the tensor fascia latae and over the PSIS.
Have the patient move into as much hip flexion as the patient tolerates. Apply the Kinesio l strip a cross the area of pain with 25 - 50% available i tension.
As the Kinesio strip reaches the lateral border of the erector spinae muscle group end this section of the tape application.
Have the patient move into lateral flexion to the side in which the tape was initially started. Angle the remaining Kinesio I strip towards the posterior | inferior angle of the thoracic ribs.
Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.
For the opposite side, repeat the above steps.