Pantomime pictures

Pantomime pictures

Cr» iSHtiOa iS PUllJOlTTllTie imię Oui    yOu IC gO.liy :p v>i «© Ol lio: yOu vUl. l'lClVCf picnly Jl

fun making a speciai cara tor aomeone with a oantomime scene in ii.

beciae pantomimę youre going to show We v© done Little Red Ridmg Hooa

4. You ll f;na that the whole thing will stand up puite well. ot a sllghtly slopmg angle which is ideał for showing olf your pantomimę scene.

łou'11 neea:

A clean, empry recianguiai cheese box ot łhe kind whicr. has a transparent lid — paint over the writlng on the sides White card and paper Pencil

Colounng tnmgs Scissors

Transparent sticky tape Sticky blue stuft used to stick paper to walls 1. Cut a piece ol paper to fit the inside back of the box and draw a backdrop tor your scene. Ours is the woodlana scene. Colour it cix :t n place with nny Dits ot sticky biue stuti 2. Make sceneiy io Tir yOu ; neea one piec© tor eacn s>ae Colour it ana ?ix it in from ;he siaes with sticky biue stuff Make your cnaracters Diuw u siane tor each one ro make *he bases stror.g enough to stand up. Fix thern in place with a b!ob of sricky blue stuti behind each one Replace the !id 3. Cui o rronr iioiu ooro n you iike. saymg Merry Chnstmas, ana sign your name -o:n this ?o the tront with transparent sticky iape Or. if you'd rafher, write a message on card and stick t ic :he back ot the box.


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