pg& 3

pg& 3

Electric Shock, Browning or Serious Injury

Vitalactions on discovery of an electric shock, drowning or serious injury casualty




Electric Shock

Q#n(rtMy th* awenty Ol miun* !rom dtctnc lhocfc to the uottage The Ngher me voftege the morę »*v* burnmg et eriiry and eaft pointa and me oreeter to* o

path. Even reiettvey tow

c shock r» -eiateo

burnmg al ent/y and eiM pomta to internat organa atong N cur voftagea can cauee N haart to qutver or stop. i breatNng w* stop Ughtntng may sal ctodung aftgM and etun or kfllhe caaoatty

On dtocowery ot an ateotnc *hock v»ctim. DO NOT louch wdh bera handa untu the cu»*ent has been tumed off or un* me

Switch od the euppty at the neareet tookator or on me mam awitchboen) II you cannol swłtch od the auppły. atand on a mck nauiatof ol wood. rubber or ptasie and puah me casualty ot! the aource wtth anomer nsulstor euch as a wooden broom or alooi


Acaeuafty shoutd be recovered Irom the water aa ootctrty aa poMMbte and me reauacaadon procedura ahown balów, raned immedMtsty Treat for hyperthenrwa

Sorioua Injury

The most common caueas ot aenoue mfury ara generaly

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•alto or taSng objects or entrapment -n movmg machlnery DO NOT atlempl to au« me oaauafty undl machmery hea baon atappad and tfl omar eourcae of danger hava been remouad as far as p DO NOT attempt to Appfy presaure to al Anempi io ascwna*r mjunea and bnef IN ■niury w sjaoecled. akgnment of the hm

been stopped and aft oha sourcea of danger h removed as tar as poaamie DO NOT attempt to move the casualty * further tnfury m Beaty Appfy pressure to stop aenoue oł

Attempt 10 ascariain the cauee of ma inctdent and exiem of mas and bnef the emergency team on metr armal If spina‘ ejrtreme cara must be takan to mamtarn

The ABC of resuscitation-Airway-Breathing-Circulation



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An ISM Codę Safety Poster

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nwMwawatr uenotwiwiw et . uu an<'u « m tr. o*c**e

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