MAKI . lVf
Sound man ovarboard alarm (three long blasts on ahipa słren) j
Throw nearest lifebuoy towards casualty Notlty bhdge/rałse the alarm Summon assistance Keep casualty In słght Adviae action party of situation
Heim hard ovar to casualty aide Stop maln engine
Adviae action party /•* of altuatlon r
Reieaae bridge wing lifebuoy, check for llght and/or amoke
Inform oalley to ceaae olacharge foodatuffa
Initial response - at sea
Commence ahipa tum
Poat extra look-outs wlth blnoculars
Ready and launch reacua boat when casualty vialble
Rig laddera and acrambie neta
Prepare flrst ald station. equlp tor reauacitation
lf close to shlp sido, uto lifobuoy and lino. otherwlso throw lifebuoy
Mustar reacue boat craw and eatabllsh communlcation wlth reacue boat
Inform ahore lida Authoritlae
Poat extra look-outs
RiO laddera and scramWe neta
Prepara firat aid atatlon, equlp tor raauacłtation
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