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Common Gases used on Ve$sels


CoiourltM. odourtaaa. non-toxki. asphyxtant in high concantratlona. nonfiammabie

Cotourleae, odourtass, non-toxtc, dengeroua In high concantratlona, nonftammabit but w«l accelerate combuation.

Ootourlaaa and odouriaas but talnted with sweet gadlc smali, Hghlar than alr, non-toxlc, hlghly flammabie, roquires minimum anargy to Ignlta

Coiourlaaa. odouriew but normally taintad with a

Bmgant tlah II ke amoll, hoaviar than alr, non-toilc.

ghly ftammabla raqulra« minimum anargy to ignlta, aapnyxlant in high concantratlona.

Coiourlaaa. odourtaaa but may causa noaa to tting at high conoantntiona, non-toxic, aaphyxlant In high concantratlona, heavter than alr, nonfiammabie



Coiourlaaa, ordourlaaa. non-toxic, aapnyxiant in high oonoantrationa, haavlar than alr, nonfiammabie

Coiourlaaa. odouriaas, r>on-toxic, aaphyxłant In high concantrations, hoaviar than alr, nonfiammabie. decompoeee whan haatao, forming toxlc gaa.

Coiourlaaa. odourleea. non-toxlc. aapnyxiant (n high concantrations, heavlar than alr, nonfiammabie, deoompoeee whan haatad, forming toxlc gaa

Coiourlaaa. pungent odour, toxio, irrłtatea all parta ot tha reapiratory ayatem, haavlar than alr, ftammabla

Coiourlaaa, odourlaaa, non*toxic, nonfiammabie.

Madical Oxygan

Medtcel Air Coiourlaaa, odourtaaa. non-toxic. nonflammabla. BA S«U etc.


A “ar

Alwaya anaura you have currant dala ahaata from your suppher covaring all the gąsce you ha w* on board.

to tha

Safe Handling

Many ouatom mada devicea ara avaiłabie for ilfilng and tranaportlng gaa cyilndara and theae dayloas ahould ba ueed wharavar poaalbla.

Nevar uaa atropa or allnga to lift a bottie.

Alwaya kaep tha bottie upright whan In tranaport.

Never tranaport bottiaa fitted with praaaure regulatora or hoaaa attaohad. unlaaa on a purpose daalgnad trolley.

'Milk Churnlng1 (aupporting tha bottta by tha valva at a ailght angio and rolling It along on Ita baaa) la aocaptabla but only for ahort dlatanoaa. Por tranaport ovar k>ng dlatancea, a cylinder trolley ahould ba used with tha bottiaa corractly aeoured. A aeck barrow ahould not be uaed uniees no othar meana of tranaport i avallabla Tha bottta muit be aacureiy laahed to the barrow to prevent any mowemant.

Never roli bonie* or uae tham aa rollara to move othar Itema.

When atanding a bottie upright, bawara of tha baaa aliding away from you.

Never attempt to catoh a falllng bottie. Stand olaar and lat It tali. Whan It comaa to rest stand it upright again.

Nevar łaava an unaacumd bottie unattended. Alwaya lash a bottie to a aUltable flxlng if you Intand to ieave It even for a ahort period of tlma

Alwaya waar tha correct protecthre clothłng whan handling gaa bottiaa la. glovaa and footwaar and avoid looee clothłng.

Safe Storage

have currant dala ahaata fr aa you hava on board.

łnclude gaa bottiaa In sil safety plannłng with apaclal ragard nuards of tha gaaaa thay oontain.

The gaa bottie atore muat ba wali ventllated. h storage la on deck, adequate proteotlon from tha olomonts muat be providod.

Oaa bottiaa ahould normally ba atored upright. Acatylana and Propane must never ba atored or uaad horteonłalły.

Qaa bottiaa muat alwaya ba seeurely laahed to bulkheeds etc. prafarably using a purpoaa daaigned atoraga rack Spacial cona«daratłon ahould ba givan to aacurlng mathoda in view of heavy waafhar cond (tlona.

Do not stora othar itama with gaa bottiaa. partloularly oll. parni or corroa!ve lłqulda.

Segragata bottiaa of dlfferent typaa. Oxygen ahould ba slortd 3m away From any fual ges. prafarably behind a tira bulkhaad.

Do not stora gaa bottiaa In hot areaa

Alwaya covar gas bottta valvee durlng atoraga to pravant Ingres* of dlrt.

Post auitabia warning notioaa at stora antranoe.



1032 W


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