P 8 1

P 8 1


Pubie symphysis

Interior - view .

Acetabulum (socket for femur)


Vertebral body    12th

Vertebral disk rib Transverse process

Posterior gluteal linę llium (iliac fossa)

/ Posterior, superior iliac spine (PSIS) \

Anterior, superior / iliac spine / (ASIS)

____Sacrum —    "


lliopubic =r—" eminence Greater trochanter

-- Lesser --

trochanter — Femur -—

Sagittal section _jr\

1 st lumbar vertebra ' Vertebral body - Vertebral disk

Anterior gluteal linę , Interior gluteal linę

Anterior, superior iliac spine (ASIS)


1 st lumbar vertebrae \ Transverse process



^ '    Sacrum <

k " r Coccyx x Ischium

\ Greater sciatic/ \    notch

Coccyx X Ischial spine 7

Lesser sciatic notch


llium (iliac fossa)

/ Ischial spine

Anterior, superior iliac spine (ASIS)

/ Greater / a___trochanter

i 'l


P V '

+ *





v Pubis

Lesser trochanter

Platę 8-1 Skeletal features of the pelvic region

\    / Gluteal ridge

Sacrum Coccyx / (tuberosity)

Ischial tuberosity

Obturator foramen Intertrochanteric ridge


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